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  1. MWB

    What to Do

    So on my last trip to the dunes my car had some issues. First ride out the car goes into limp mode and the check engine light goes on. Look for the obvious problem, find out my clutch is not engaging / releasing correctly so that must be it. I am right at 4K miles, and this is where most...
  2. MWB

    Weekend Warrior Brake question 911

    So, I was having some trailer wiring issues or that is what my truck was telling me. All of a sudden, I would get trailer wiring fault, Trailer disconnected and no trailer brake. Jiggle the cord sometimes the wiring fault would stay on, but the brakes worked. The other day the trailer wiring...
  3. MWB

    She's Cooked

    Just watched the Fox interview with Kameltowa and she is cooked. What is the over under that she is crying and screaming at Aides in the Green Room after? She will not be going on Joe Rogan that is for sure, I don't even think Joe will extend the invite she just wants to do a Campaign...
  4. MWB

    Verizon Outage

    Who else has zero bars ?
  5. MWB

    April Fools Jokes

    April Fools Jokes, Usually not funny and easy to spot. Well this year I got one of my workers good All I did was wait until he called me this morning, like he normally does on a Monday. When he started asking his usual questions about work I asked him why was he on the job site this morning. ...
  6. MWB

    Jeff Beck RIP

    Shocked and stunned to say the least. Out of the OG three great english guy's he was hands down the best player.
  7. MWB

    Happy Cinco De Mayo

    As you celebrate this day to boost liquor sales in the second quarter, please make sure that your drunk white ass doesn't culturally appropriate anything....  
  8. MWB

    There goes the Neighborhood

    Welcome back it's been a while @Chummin.  Just waiting patiently to blame you for all the things once again.
  9. MWB

    Time to Check your Trailers

    So like the title say's it is time to check out them Trailers and Toy Haulers to make sure that your not going to have any issues for the upcoming season.  The reason I am saying this is because I just dropped mine off and got a big surprise. So last season as I was bringing my trailer home I...
  10. MWB

    Handshake, Lunch, Weekend

    Interesting game they were talking about on the radio. Pick one living person for each Handshake and a five minute talk: Lunch just you and that person: Weekend with:
  11. MWB

    Make Yore Bones

    Sure everybody has played the boring version of Monopoly but to make yore bones and play the Soprano's version would be much better
  12. MWB

    In Memoriam

    After the board got up and going again  I found myself going thru the members list and it was amazing some of the people who have come back just to  re-register.  It also got me to thinking of the ones who will not.  I asked the powers that be to make a forum where we could bring them back in...
  13. MWB

    What Are You Listening To

    Lets get this party started
  14. MWB

    Highway Star

    This thread is for those strange, cool and bad ass rides you run into out on the highway....... It is not about vanity plates or images you have found on google JD.