Search results

  1. Fireballsocal

    What is the scam? Phone call asking if Ben Brittain (Me) is available. Then immediate hang up.

    I've had this happen 5 times in the last month. A local area code call comes in to my cell phone. I answer and the caller asks "Is Ben Brittain available". I answer yes and they immediately hang up. Today, instead of answering yes, I asked what they were calling about and they hung up. I got the...
  2. Fireballsocal

    Centipede: Articulated home made dual VW engine hydraulic steering buggy from 25 years ago.

    The thought this guy put into the buggy is crazy. In that time period, there were lots of garage built experiments as the hobby decided which way it wanted to head next. I'd never heard of this one and it's well worth the 11 minutes.
  3. Fireballsocal

    New scam tactic: Close to a hundred emails such as website sign ups to mask the fraudulent charge on your card.

    For the second time, a fraudulent charge was made on my CC. This time via paypal. The last time was through the costco online program. I caught both but here is the tactic used to try to mask the fake charge. The thief signed me up for many different web services. Forums, online stores, anything...
  4. Fireballsocal

    Harbor freight badlands winch, 40% off tomorrow (Thurs.) with coupon. They will probably all be gone in the first half hour so I will miss out but if you are in the market and can get there early, they seem to be a stout winch. This is any badland but not the other winch models.
  5. Fireballsocal

    Yamaha E bike sale......... More than 50% off MSRP plus second batt.

    I've just ordered a Moro 7 full suspension mountain bike. The deal is so good I'm still trying to figure out what the catch is. While not a mainstream bicycle manufacturer here, Yamaha have been building bicycles for the Japanese market and came out with the first electric bicycle drivetrain in...
  6. Fireballsocal

    Harbor Freight 10 days of deals : 40% off any daytona jack today.

    I was able to score a $150 3 ton extended reach jack at 8:05AM but looks like the jacks would be sold out soon after. Your HF may still have stock available. Could be some other good deals coming up in the next few days also.
  7. Fireballsocal

    Will President Biden be removed as president before the next election?

    Every day, some new and more powerful than the last democrat is in the news calling for president Biden to step down as president. The media has this constant stream of spin when they want to brainwash the masses and I see it as inevitable that the president will be removed. I think it will be...
  8. Fireballsocal

    Powerball drawing for Saturday, April 6th.

    Rules. We only split the top prize (Jackpot). Each line ($2 ticket purchase) is one share. Unlimited shares are allowed. Only Powerball tickets for the 04/06/2024 drawing qualify. Must write on the ticket in ink that is legible and visible, and  post your ticket(s) BEFORE the drawing.
  9. Fireballsocal

    Powerball for wednesday, April 03. 2024.

    Rules. We only split the top prize (Jackpot). Each line ($2 ticket purchase) is one share. Unlimited shares are allowed. Only Powerball tickets for the 04/03/2024 drawing qualify. Must write on the ticket in ink that is legible and visible, and  post your ticket(s) BEFORE the drawing.
  10. Fireballsocal

    Does anyone want in on tonight's powerball drawing?

    Rules. We only split the top prize (Jackpot). Each line ($2 ticket purchase) is one share. Unlimited shares are allowed. Only Powerball tickets for the 04/01/2024 drawing qualify. Must write on the ticket in ink that is legible and visible, and  post your ticket(s) BEFORE the drawing.
  11. Fireballsocal

    California ammo background check struck down. Ammo freedom is here, perhaps for a short time.

    I've ordered from brownells and LAX both. If you were waiting to place an internet order and have it shipped to your house, do it quick. Ca. is already throwing a fit and tried for 2 stays which St. Benitez denied. The 9th circuit court has called for an emergency meeting to discuss ordering a...
  12. Fireballsocal

    What do you think of 12 gauge shorty shells?

    My Dad just bought himself a shockwave. At 76, it's easier for him to manage than his full length Remington 12 gauge and he picked up some shorty rounds for it. Not only can he fit more of them in the shotgun but he's hoping recoil may be a little less. This is strictly a home defense weapon but...
  13. Fireballsocal

    $42K for a new shingle roof: 1400 sq/ft house. Really?

    I've been getting quotes for complete tear off of old roof and new comp shingle roof put on my parents modest 1400 sq/ft home near San Bernardino. 50 year roof with bat insulation installed in the attic was quoted at $42K. Another company quoted Owens Corning shingles w/ 50 year warranty and...
  14. Fireballsocal

    Super Hunky (RICK SIEMAN), legendary magazine writer/editor has died.

    State weight lifting champion, arm wrestling champion, Navy veteran, desert racer extraordinaire. Super Hunky made a huge impact via his magazine articles featured in Dirtrider, racerX, and cycle news to name just a few. I read everything I could get my hands on as a boy and am going to pick up...
  15. Fireballsocal

    USS Carney and commercial vessels targeted in Houthi attack.

      One of our destroyers was just targeted. I'm not interested in getting into another endless war so make it fast boys.
  16. Fireballsocal

    Looking for a premium .45 that's not a 1911.

    I'm checking out some sigs, CZs, basically a modern .45 for range shooting. My budget is in the $1k-$2K range so the super expensive pistols are out. I can't justify the price. So what do you like? I want something accurate, reliable, and easy to take down. 