Search results

  1. RiverDave

    R3 4 Seat Rail from Bumper To Bumper

  2. RiverDave

    Couple pics from Dirt Expo in Havasu this weekend

    I talked to most the vendors there and quite a few said they were planning on attending Supercat Fest West this year! If you are an Offroad fan it might be worth coming out this year to check it out as we are growing our Offroad section. The dirt EXPO was double the size this year than...
  3. RiverDave

    Stopped by R3 fabrication! (Shop Tour)

    So last week I had an opportunity to meet up with Chris Redden from R3 fabrication to check out what’s going on at his shop. The videos will be ready in the next few days but here’s the pics! Out front he had a racer engineering car that is currently being prepped for the 400!
  4. RiverDave

    I never thought I would say this

    But how fast is too fast? If for some reason, you can’t see the video it’s a new NVR running 120 miles an hour.. 😳 I can’t imagine how many people are gonna get killed in these new generation a side-by-side that all of them literally run above 80 without breaking a sweat. And 80 miles an...
  5. RiverDave

    who all lives in Havasu?

    Thinking about doing a little SXS / Offroad Meetup once a week over at my friends restaurant "Foundry". RD
  6. RiverDave

    Hell and back (literally).

    Well the good news is I’m back.. lol. So awhile back I start getting phone calls from Realtors asking about my property in North County. At first I figured it was just spam calls but one got real specific real fast and I realized they were talking about my mothers house.. come to find...
  7. RiverDave's First Featured Vehicle! I give you "HellTaco!!" Click the link above for pics and specs! A Hellcat swapped Tacoma that rips in the dirt and in the sand!! One incredible build.
  8. RiverDave

    Motorhome & Enclosed or 5th wheel and why?

    Wife looks at me the other day and says you think we should get a fifth wheel? 😳 Other than a little bumper pull 21’ fleetwood nitrous I have never owned a tow behind rv.. I asked her what prompted this question and she liked the newer nicer interiors in some of our friends trailers...
  9. RiverDave

    Balloon fest this weekend!

    I’m gonna miss it this weekend but it’s pretty rad to see them every am all week
  10. RiverDave

    First Featured Product! MRC's open face helmet "The Grudge".

    I believe this is the solution to "Motion Sickness" in the Dunes!! Your kids are going to love it too!
  11. RiverDave

    Working or not working between Christmas and New Years?

    I have a few friends that have to work between the two.. when I was a machinist in my youth we always did. When I got into sales later though they’d make us work it but nothing would ever get done? You guys working or do your employees work between the two? RD
  12. RiverDave

    Merry Christmas everyone! RD
  13. RiverDave

    Some jobs are more fun then others

    This is the boat we will take across the country for the 2025 poker run circuit.. Shakedown run today with two fresh motors and getting a little winter time boat content.
  14. RiverDave

    Sandos - Playa del Car

    Down here for a wedding.. about a 100 of us that are all friends and family etc..
  15. RiverDave

    So who are the builders of Sandcars now?

    Funco Tatum and Racer (now merged) Sand Cars Unlimited R3 Who else is still building big sand cars? RD
  16. RiverDave

    Front page is live now

    We have a ton of content coming over the next few months!! I hope you guys enjoy the new editorial content in addition to the forums RD
  17. RiverDave

    Desert Bash - Lake Havasu city!! 2024

    It’s always one of my favorites events of the year!! 64 mile loop roughly 250’ish cars.. Unfortunately due to some family things I wasn’t able to camp this year with everyone.. but I got back late Friday night at 2:30 am. Went to bed 3:30 am up at 6:30 am and on the road to Desert Bash...
  18. RiverDave

    Glamis Thanksgiving!

    Duners Diner Pad 5/3 current situation
  19. RiverDave

    Show me your Turkey!

    It’s 3:15 am and I’m going to bed smelling like turkey rub / brine but it’s on the smoker.. I know I’m not the only one doing an 11hr cook.. Am I the new cheff?
  20. RiverDave

    Where’s everyone off-roading this weekend?

    We originally were going to head out shea rd in Parker or somewhere off in the distance away from the crowds but now with dealing with some extended family issues and having mom here (which I am very thankful for) we r just gonna keep it local in Havasu and do a few day rides. I believe we are...