Search results

  1. HP.Habits

    1967 El Camino open to offers

    Selling a 1967 El Camino. Very clean car. Built 396 with 454 heads and good internals. Has track bars in the rear along with Posi and 3.56 gears. Spring over airbag rear suspension. Car is an absolute tire fryer. Anyone interested? I’m also open to trades  
  2. HP.Habits

    STU Ride and Seek Giveaway for Presidents day

    This looks like a lot of fun
  3. HP.Habits

    STU, why there the best and expensive… Enjoy   if you e never seen the process of what EVERY paddle tire goes through at STU, you should see this. Made in America. Cut in America. Inspected in America. Best Sandtire money can buy. 
  4. HP.Habits

    2.5 Subaru stutter at 5k

    I have a 2.5 Subaru I am trying to trouble shoot why it wont get past 5k rpm. Engine starts to stutter like its not getting enough fuel. only pushing around 10# boost... It has new ignition coil pack, ign. wires, mapping sensor, new fuel lines, new fuel pump, new fuel filter... couldnt get past...
  5. HP.Habits

    450hp-2D VS. 700+hp-S4...................

    A new build has some thoughts brewing I cant keep to myself anymore... So, to you keyboard duners I'll unload on. As far as the unspoken title goes... Does a 450hp sand rail w/2D stand a chance out there against the best-of-the-best? What do you think? A lot has evolved, and while the drags...
  6. HP.Habits

    Whos "Minnesota Bill"

    Theres a Gen 3 Funco that Im told was "Minnesota Bills", who is supposed to be a well known Mechanic or something. Anyone heard of him?
  7. HP.Habits

    28ft campmaster

    02 Campmaster 28ft. Nice sturdy toyhauler, built tougher than the new stuff.  $11k OBO Garage 15ft long x 7 1/2 wide opening (82” in between wheel wells).  13ft living space.  Has 4 brand new tires, all LED lights inside, fridge, stove top and nice bathroom. Cushions are in good shape...
  8. HP.Habits

    Gen 3 Steering rack.

    Hey guys,  Went to do my routine check through my car before my next trip and noticed a few things needing attention... One of which is my Steering rack is starting to leak. From my understanding its from a Ford Mustang, but the markings on it are not matching any part numbers for the auto...
  9. HP.Habits

    is Aceco and Foddrills the same?

    Been seeing more and more Aceco 2 seaters pop up for sale. Trying to do some more research on them and keep getting pointed to Fodrills. Who on here could tell me more about Aceco? How old is the company? Still in business? The 2 seaters seem to be a very well balanced light weight, Lower CG...
  10. HP.Habits

    Comp Cutting Tires. Are you a fan?

    The other day I was contemplating comp cutting my 14.50 STU Dune Sports. Shedding some rotating weight would be nice and the thought of "lighting up the rear" quicker in turns sounds nice. I started to wonder though if by thinning the tire, it would change the way it slides. I have a Gen 3 Funco...
  11. HP.Habits

    Dune Videos

    I recently started filming my dune runs and put them up on Youtube. During the off season, or when Im broken and cant get out, I like to watch Dune videos to cure the itch a little. I have had a handful of people reach out saying they do the same and liked the videos I put up. I'll post them up...
  12. HP.Habits

    power and weight

    The real reason I wanted to make this was to find out the weight of my Sandcar. Gen. 3 Funco with Outfront 2.5 Subi. I know there are a handful of similar set ups out there as well as the knowledge.  But now I am curious how many of you out there know your power and weight of your cars. lets...