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    Glamis Classifieds Are Back Up!

    Classifieds are back up and running.  Our apologies to those who may have been affected. FNG
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    What you're seeing is NOT real!

    I generated these images using AI  :moof: I'm impressed.   These girls do not exist! Want the NSFW version?
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    Kid Rock Nails it!

    Kid Rock nails it with his new song!
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    What was burning?

    I saw this from Arizona, and as we got Closer to Gordon's Well (south of I-8) it got bigger, then looked like it blew again when we were well past it
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    October Madness!

    October is typically a bull month for crypto.  If you're wondering if it's too late to get in, it's not.  If you haven't dabbled in bitcoin (yet), go to, create an account and get started!! Hell, start with $100 and see what happens 🙂  You'll be amazed!
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    Bitcoin is Pumping!

    Bitcoin has seen a recent resurgence.  After dipping down to 28K, it's not poised to break 50K.  As you may know, I'm very bullish on Bitcoin and crypto overall.  Bitcoin is up 380% vs. other asset classes including gold, and the NASDAQ 500 (which only boasted a 47% return).  There is...
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    Injection Moulding - Anyone know where / How in SoCal.

    Hi Friends, I'm in need of an injection moulder here in SoCal. Someone I can work through the process on getting my project done.  Let me know. Cheers! FNG
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    PM's (Message) Attachments

    Members can now post attachments in their private messages.  I apologize for taking my sweet ass time on getting this fixed, but it's fixed. FNG
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    I finally did it!

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    Old Images from 2012

    Make sure you read my original post HERE ! Images uploaded 01-2012 Images uploaded 02-2012
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    Old Images from 2011

    Make sure you read my original post HERE ! Images uploaded 01-2011 Images uploaded 02-2011 Images uploaded 03-2011 Images uploaded 04-2011 Images uploaded 05-2011 Images uploaded 06-2011 Images uploaded 07-2011 Images uploaded 08-2011 Images uploaded 09-2011 Images uploaded 10-2011...
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    Old Images from 2010

    Make sure you read my original post HERE ! Images uploaded 01-2010 Images uploaded 02-2010 Images uploaded 03-2010 Images uploaded 04-2010 Images uploaded 05-2010 Images uploaded 06-2010 Images uploaded 07-2010 Images uploaded 08-2010 Images uploaded 09-2010 Images uploaded 10-2010...
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    Old Images from 2009

    Make sure you read my original post HERE ! Images uploaded 01-2009 Images uploaded 02-2009 Images uploaded 03-2009 Images uploaded 04-2009 Images uploaded 05-2009 Images uploaded 06-2009 Images uploaded 07-2009 Images uploaded 08-2009 Images uploaded 09-2009 Images uploaded 10-2009...
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    Old Images from 2008 (before the site crash) Now Available for Download

    I've started cataloging all the images from before the site crashed and am making them available for members to re-download. You can browse the different images by clicking the appropriate links below. The first gallery contains uncategorized images from posts as well as users old avatars.  If...
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    Cardano VS Ethereum

    So about 3 months ago I converted all of my Ethereum to Cardano.  Anyone else in the Cardano or Ethereum game?
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    How to keep the chatbox open everywhere on the site

    Click the CHATBOX button in the lower right of your screen.  For light theme it will be green, for dark theme it will be black (for this tutorial, I'm using the black theme) Clicking it will open up to any recent private conversations you've had. Click on the "Rooms" tab to switch from...
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    Ultimate Egg Cooker for the Dunes

    If your moho has a microwave, ya gotta get one of these : Click here -> Egg Cooker Instant omlet! I'm not a chef, but this thing rocks!
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    Paging "Ben, John John, Cruzer" .... Hey

    Can we get a little help in here! :lol:
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    Glamis Veterans Day Photos (2015)

    Pulled from Archives.  I'm short on photos for this year 😔
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    Glamis Veterans Day Photos (2014)

    Pulled from Archives.