Search results

  1. S

    Park Like a Douche

    I’m a contractor and 90% of the time I’m towing a dump trailer. I almost always have to “park like a douche” if I don’t some fricking Yahoo! in a Tesla is going to park next to me and make it extremely difficult to get out of the parking spot without taking off his bumper. I applaud the fact...
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    JD'S Memes

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    Concrete, retaining wall, fill a grade, etc in SoCal?

    At 3’ you shouldn’t need a permit. In my personal opinion “Keystone mortar less retaining systems look way better not to mention it’s cheaper and easier. I’ve built a few in my time. RCP block in Murrietta  have them in stock. You should look into it. It might save you some money. 
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    California State Primary

    Garvey has my vote 👍
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    Looks legit to me...

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    Highway Disaster

    I see your Razor 170 on a Nissan 300 and raise you 12 full size pallets on top of a Honda CRV 
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    Cost per yard of concrete?

    What are you construction guys paying per a yard of concrete? Just got quoted $1350 for 5 yards and pump. 3 months ago it was $860 for the same. Has it really gone up that much? These frickin concrete pump operators are like pimps. I’m about ready to go buy my own pump. What day you ? 
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    F150 coolant leak. Y fitting

    Against my better judgement I bought a 2015 F150 Lariat 4x4. It was a great deal or so I thought. I fixed all of the issues I could find. Again “or so I thought “ Went outside yesterday to get my mail and noticed a big puddle under the truck. Turns out it was coolant. Tracked it back to some...
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    2002 GMC SIERRA SLT 8.1 / Alison trans 114,000 miles

    2002 GMC Sierra 4x4 crew cab SLT 4.56 gears  6” Suspension lift  3” Body lift if interested please call or text 909-755-9611
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    Wash Tub fire pit?
