Search results

  1. G

    New Polaris Pro R

    I watched an episode of Matt’s off-road recovery and saw a wrecked pro-r that the suspension looked a little odd to me. Ended up being this design. Looks like a company is converting to more of a standard trailing arm type design. Anyone seen this setup running around?
  2. G

    Speed UTV

    Was on the CARB filing list for next year. 
  3. G

    Honda Talons - Let’s see them

    Any idea who makes this cage?  I like the design. 
  4. G

    Rzr 200 kids utv

    Anyone have one of these for their kids yet?  Pro’s / con’s. What’s the scoop on quality or will I need to put my kids in fire suits 🙈
  5. G

    Advice on 2007 Wuerth Stage 2

    Love my Weurth as well. Ls3 and 2d. Make sure to check around trailer arm pivots for any cracks. I believe they are known to crack around there. I bottom out a little and need to add some Moreno compression and dial in the rear more. Other than that no complaints.  I upgraded front hubs to 2”...
  6. G

    WTB 12” king 2.5 coilover shock

    Looking for a single 12” stroke king 2.5 coilover shock with remote reservoir.  Pm me if you have one for sale. 
  7. G

    Where not to dump

    Animals will be fined next. 