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  1. I

    Is there any Human/Civil Rights Atty's on the board?

    The issue I have is only company's with more than 100 people have to do it. If its such a big deal it should have to be everyone.  
  2. I

    Best tool for cutting braided hose?

    The biggest thing is you have to use tape, you can add a hose clamp to also help you make a straight cut. You can use many different types of tools for the cut. A new hacksaw blade would even work. A cut off wheel on a grinder or possibly a Dremel.
  3. I

    Let’s see rides everyone.

    New RZR on the left, Old RZR on right and will be for sale soon.
  4. I

    Back in! Welcome Back!

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  5. I

    Back in! Welcome Back!

    So what is your new number? Im nuber 86.