Search results

  1. Chingon619


  2. Chingon619

    House Painting complete, July22

    I would think that's easily a $14k job. Wife and I decided to tackle our own. Took 5 days including staining our patio roof that was raw wood for some time. Same company quoted us $8k, 1300 Sq ft. after already having quoted us $5k a year prior. We just said screw it, we'll do it. I hope to not...
  3. Chingon619

    Let's talk steering racks!

  4. Chingon619

    Let's talk steering racks!

    I run a Charlynn to a ProAm manual front loaded rack about 12" long. I bought a 2nd rack for my next build thinking it would be very much the same thing except it wasn't. Mounts exactly the same, looks the same but it's only like 10.5" I started to think, it can't possibly have the same radius...
  5. Chingon619

    Let’s talk about E-Bikes

  6. Chingon619

    Let’s talk about E-Bikes

    Started mountain biking during Covid like many did. Figured if I beat covid it would be through health. Well it was a quick transition from riding dirtbikes as well. Pedaling sucked the life out of me though lol so it wasn't long before the crew all went E-Bikes. One test ride of my buddies bike...
  7. Chingon619

    Transporting your SxS to the Trailhead?

    Cool thread.  I took this screen shot for a buddy who asked to use my Tow Dolly the wrong way. 
  8. Chingon619

    Fox 2.0 16" 3 tube bypass

    Anyone looking to add bypasses? These are in excellent shape and ready to install but I screwed up and bought the wrong size. I need 18" unfortunately. In San Diego. Shipping on your dime.  $1,500
  9. Chingon619

    Tiger Woods is BACK! at Masters!

    Holy heck! 5th hole and at par for now. Best is so far 2 under. Wow! He's a machine! 
  10. Chingon619


    Summer ☀️ already?
  11. Chingon619

    Can't Reply to threads with my Android???

    Suffering some technical glitching. Any thread I try to type a reply it just jumps back and forth between highlighting the previous quote or to keyboard. Even now it continues to add space below this field. I need to keep scrolling up. My phone did an update recently probably related. This...
  12. Chingon619

    who builds the websites?

    I went to check it out in curiosity and didn't seem to work. Google search found you, but doesn't link to website at all. You can fix this easily I believe right through Google. Then on the listed search results I found your web address but link didn't work on my phone FYI- 
  13. Chingon619

    Refinance people?

    They're actually better than I thought. Oh, also if your old car accounts are over 10yrs they tend to drop off your credit, or only show on certain bureaus, but usually they'll use Experian or TransUnion for judgment. Credit score is a bigger factor as well as debt to income ratios.
  14. Chingon619

    Points of Interest out of Control in Glamis?

    and just like that the teeter totter is done for! LOL
  15. Chingon619

    Inside trailer lights...???

    Fancy 😁 I'm brown guy, so I just cut and shank the wires together vato 😆 It wouldn't hurt a thing. If you need peace of mind, fuse the wire and even put an on off switch in line.  A positive plus a positive is only a positive. Repeat! 😅
  16. Chingon619

    Sand Car move to UTV anyone?

    I love fighting the easy button. Sure, I can just sign and drive too but I know I'd be double the money into a SxS than where I'm at in my LS1 2 seat rail. Just sounds amazing! That said, I think I'm starting to see more sandrails out there! Sweet! 
  17. Chingon619

    Keys Found

    I'll play too. Found Mustang Smart Key wash 4. 
  18. Chingon619

    Workhorse service in east san diego recommendation

    Can't see your video but sorry to hear. Mine has been great for the most part. I did need to replace a rear hub seal. That was a doozy doing it myself. Leaked diff Lube all over my brakes. Now every crack in the road and I think my hub bearing is falling apart. Wrecks my nerves!! 