Search results

  1. Jaybird95

    It's Saturday 4-16-22.. What are ya doing?

    Started on the new siding project.
  2. Jaybird95

    It's Saturday, 4-9-22 What are you doing today?

  3. Jaybird95

    What Are You Listening To

  4. Jaybird95

    Has anyone ever burned E85 in a smudge pot?

    It's a lot cheaper that diesel.
  5. Jaybird95

    Re-siding a box trailer

    I can't find the thread about places to get my trailer redone. Any help?  TIA!
  6. Jaybird95

    It's Saturday 1-29-22 What are you doing this weekend?

    Helped my cousin hang his new 86" Samsung. Just in time!
  7. Jaybird95

    002 Fluid Level

  8. Jaybird95

    Unknown tranny fluid in 091 6 rib

    My 091 builder recommends this.
  9. Jaybird95

    Weekend Warrior Trailer Brakes

    Where is the best place to buy brakes right now? Looking for a full kit, drums, bearings, backing plates with everything assembled and self-adjusting. I have found them at Southwest for $360 an axle with Timken bearings. Any place cheaper?
  10. Jaybird95

    Happy Birthday Jaybird95

    Thank you.
  11. Jaybird95

    Lets talk 930 Stub Axles

    I just replaced mine because one broke after 14 years of abuse. I went with the German ones.
  12. Jaybird95

    CV’s Clicking

  13. Jaybird95

    Happy Birthday Air450

    Happy Birthday!
  14. Jaybird95

    So who is the coward?

  15. Jaybird95

