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  1. zilla68

    The River Rhine

    completely mind blowing how they could build those structures back in the day, the intracacy and ornate features with nothing more than their hands. no power tools, no cnc machines, just some dude beating on rocks for god knows how many years to produce those works of art. simply amazing
  2. zilla68

    ABS Brake Issues - Chevy Truck

    its a simple solder issue from what i've seen and an easy fix. i believe i saw it on you tube
  3. zilla68

    Something you took from your parents

    i never saw that either, my dad always kept his cool, even when she was screaming and yelling at him. To this day nothings changed, he's 82 and he still just lets it roll off. My wife has had some knock out fights (I say she does because I don't fight back, its a one sided fight lol) and I too...
  4. zilla68

    2024 Universal 20' wide body

    its saying REALBADLARRY I want you, you need me, do it while you can
  5. zilla68

    POS Doctors...

    you should use you tube to help you figure stuff out, great place for guidance
  6. zilla68

    2022 Universal 22'

    did you build the drive on fender ramps? any pics?
  7. zilla68

    Happy Birthday Rockwood

    happy happy birthday
  8. zilla68

    Happy Birthday zilla68

    thanks all, just another day and glad to see another birthday
  9. zilla68

    It's Saturday 4-20-24... What is everyone up too this weekend?

    well, no drama this weekend. but my side gig boss kept asking me when's the parking garage going to be much longer...........are you cleaning it.............. I literally spent 3- 3 hour evenings after my real job, all day saturday and about 1/2 day today powerwashing a 25 car...
  10. zilla68

    Feeling old part 2

    thats awesome, we saw the same show just weeks apart and probably 1500 miles apart. that's amazing. I don't know why i kept all this stuff, but i did, all the guitar pics from the shows, the 80's were great!
  11. zilla68

    Feeling old part 2

  12. zilla68

    Anyone heard of Hamlet Custom Haulers out of Pinetop Arizona

    I am picking  up a 24' enclosed custom hauler tomorrow that says built by Hamlet custom haulers and a guy named Dan Reagles was the original owner of the company. it seems really well built. I googled it and only found 2 for sale and shows the guys about 81 now and lives in Havasu now. it has...
  13. zilla68

    2020 Ultra Santek 24’ 102” inside

    bad azz trailer and car!!!!!!!!
  14. zilla68

    Well do I have a story for you

    You have probably seen all my disasters on the saturday threads, the safe disaster, the airbnb disasters etc. Well this one probably takes the cake. I have an 03 tahoe we bought new in 03, its been a spare vehicle for about 3 years, just sits in storage and if someone in the family's car breaks...
  15. zilla68

    Its Saturday March 9th 2024!! What is everyone up too this weekend?

    video link at the bottom you all have heard my stories about the air bnb, so here's another one. 136am i get a call, fight in parking lot, and someone broke a window and tenant doesn't feel safe to stay so they leave.  I get there, call police, review video, see the fight, same guys, 2...
  16. zilla68

    Friendly PSA/advice about buckees

    So my buddies daughter races jr dragsters. last weekend they go race and on the way home stop at buckees. he's all excited, pulls the moho pulling enclosed trailer out a ways to park. goes inside get his food, drinks, and thinks I'll go to the bathroom and blow theirs up. goes in does his...
  17. zilla68

    looking at a 2011 ford f150 with a 6.2L

    anyone had any experience with these? low miles limited.  good motor or not? I hate to ask the mpg lol. it shows like 19 on highway which I doubt.
  18. zilla68

    Glutten for punishment, buying another 24' enclosed trailer that has a leak

    i bought one last year, had a soft spot in the floor, ripped the whole floor out, replaced it all, wasn't that bad, but sold it when I bought my toy hauler. my son's going to be moving end of feb and has to be out of his rent house and will be gone about 6 months. so i thought hell i should...
  19. zilla68

    Another chapter closes in my life

    My son graduated college today at 1pm. Boy is that hard to say. I can remember the day he was born and holding him in my arms, and making him a promise to always be there for him. How you dads deal with them moving on? It has been tough thru his college years, but at least I got to see him...