Search results

  1. zilla68

    Fuk Kamalatoe...

    yeah whatever, we know your into rap
  2. zilla68

    Turbo R paddle options

    might look at the sand slayers
  3. zilla68

    What Sub sammy works for you?

    im partial to jimmy johns myself, but if i had to eat one, meatball or subway club
  4. zilla68

    It's Saturday October 5th 2024.. What is everyone doing this weekend?

    i just got mine, new cage on monday, then prp seats and whalen tunes with ibexx clutch, then paddles and wheels, and i hope to god im done. oh yeah, got my rugged set up sitting on the bench to install
  5. zilla68

    It's Saturday October 5th 2024.. What is everyone doing this weekend?

    i have the same truck in white lol. 148k on it. sure runs good
  6. zilla68

    GD member desperately in need of So CA LEO help.......

    you bought it off ebay? no hellp there?
  7. zilla68

    Battery powered lawn care equipment???

    now i may risk trying that one!
  8. zilla68

    Battery powered lawn care equipment???

    im scared of the battery stuff. my best friends son in law just had his garage burn and almost lost the house due to a battery fire from charging. been out of his house now almost a year for the rebuild. Have another neighbor have a close call with his battery mower, but caught it in time. not...
  9. zilla68

    East Coast shipping ports shutting down in a few hours

    i found him, he was doing my yard! peace
  10. zilla68

    What do you do for work?

    been in the grocery business since 1986, was with albertsons for 21 years, then went to work for the state, then to the wholesale side of grocery business as a district manager the last 6 years. I'm a green bean stacker
  11. zilla68


    nice job, and really nice cars
  12. zilla68

    Trick or treating in Glamis?

    go and have fun, its best to trick or treat at 3am, follow the mexican music that's playing, they have good candy
  13. zilla68

    sxs seat options, what say you

    my simpsons lowered down and were firm as hell, but i don't remember if we used a lowering base or not. the prp is sat in was in a turbo r and they were firm also, i wouldnt like wobbly seats for sure lol.
  14. zilla68

    sxs seat options, what say you

    prp simpson triple x those are my 3 finals. I sat in some prp xcr seats saturday, liked them proabaly better than my simpsons in my old turbo s. just got my pro r and ordering new seats. I saw some triple x in the pics from ssss but have never seen any in person or sat in them.
  15. zilla68

    Cal Trans claim

    you sure your not in okla again lol? i know here we have a hot line and if its not repaired within 24-48 hours or something like that they are liable for damages. i'd take alot of pics of road, car, tires, tread depth etc. im sure you'll be lucky if it doesn't get lost in the mail, but worth a...
  16. zilla68

    Crazy video of truck running over sxs’s?

    RWP event, my buddies have been said its totally off the hook nuts
  17. zilla68

    It's Saturday Sept 14th 2024.. What is everyone doing this weekend?

    sold my turbo s.................bought a pro r................why do i keep this circle going, i'll literally be broke really soon, like monday probably posted my s, guy sees it and says man that's clean, if it is as clean as the pics i'll give you full price............shows up today , said...
  18. zilla68

    '21 Polaris 2 seat RZR S Turbo Velocity - UPGRADES! - $20k - PRICE DROP!

    I cannot believe this hasn't sold, with the season here and all and being in cali. I just sold my turbo s today, you have it listed on marketplace?
  19. zilla68

    HOAT vs OAT in my Cherokee. Coolant issue.

    looks like those fittings are leaking, i know on the chevy trucks there's an o ring inside them that gets worn out.
  20. zilla68

    It's Saturday Aug 31st 2024... What is everyone doing this Labor day weekend?

    i saw them in 1986 opening for ozzy. cliff burton walked right next to me and bumped me in the audience and I didn't recognize him and thought this effing bum just bumped me. once i realized it so did everyone else and he took off running back stage lol.