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  1. zilla68

    Anyone using Placer AI?

    sent you the info plus some lol
  2. zilla68

    Some jobs are more fun then others

    that doesn't look fun, looks like alot of work lol!
  3. zilla68

    Anyone using Placer AI?

    it comes up as magnum range is that right?
  4. zilla68

    Anyone using Placer AI?

    if you have a retail setting or an restaurant send me an address and i'll pull up a report, its really crazy. when they say your cell phone knows where your at they aren't lying lol.
  5. zilla68

    Anyone using Placer AI?

    at work we got this program called placer ai. really crazy, i can enter an address and dial down with in 50 feet so it says and pull a report on the address. Mostly for retail uses, but it tells you where people are coming from and where they are going after they are at your establlishment. It...
  6. zilla68

    Rockwood's XJ

    wow thats awesome
  7. zilla68

    Sand Car Security In Dunes- What Do You Do?

    do you pay a one time fee or monthly?
  8. zilla68

    Tucker Gott - Paramotor flight over glamis...

    i'd be scared to death the whole damn time lol.
  9. zilla68

    Who do you use to process credit cards for your biz?

    man i wish i could get you guys on our cc processor, we offer our customers a 1.5-2% max charge at my day job. on my side job I prefer to pay cc, and i tell them include the fee's in the final price, hide it somewhere. I prefer to get my vendors paid asap on the spot, no waiting, no bs. I still...
  10. zilla68

    Any GM Techs, Automotive Guru's...

    don't you have to have the vehicle aligned after the fact on a strut replacement anyways?
  11. zilla68

    Inexpensive GPS Tracker Recommendations?

    air tag has to ping with a bluetooth source. if someone steals your stuff, how far can they get before a bluetooth hit happens? gps is direct all the time, you know exactly where its at, no waiting. PS at my storage a lady called last week, asking about a food trailer we are storing. tenant is...
  12. zilla68

    Lemon law advice AZ

    guy at work bought his daughter a new hyundai because she was going to college in colorado. about 15k lost the tranny. sat at a dealership for 3 months because they can't get a trans from overseas. give her a rental to drive. finally the trans comes in and they install it. she picks it up, it...
  13. zilla68


    25% off is a sweet deal
  14. zilla68


    i bought the harbor freight inverter generator and immediately had the issue with co2 detector. googled it, wired around it and its ran fine since. i see alot of rv generators for sale on market place, would one of them work?
  15. zilla68

    UHC CEO Shot

    phizer pays 1mil a year to protect its president, armed security everywhere he goes, even at home.
  16. zilla68

    Tis the season...and a new month, this is tradition

    you seen wym hoff? if he's still alive dudes nuts
  17. zilla68

    20' Haulmark enclosed trailer

    what is the nitrogen piped air supply?
  18. zilla68

    New Requirement for Arizona Offroaders

    i remember back in 90 when i bought a new banshee, and had to take a course, i think we got 50.00 or something else can't remember. it was in an open field with no bumps or anything lol. lasted about an hour. I bought 3 bikes and took it 3 times just to get the checks.
  19. zilla68

    Tankless Water Heater- good idea?

    we have 30 duplexes i oversee and most are tankless, and we've never cleaned them, i know we should but man we did like 2 and it was a damn chore lol