Search results

  1. zilla68

    Pro R paddle choices

    i love all the wheels you mentioned, just can't justify that spend lol.
  2. zilla68

    Pro R paddle choices

    how do you like the wheels? any idea what they weigh? i ordered the same tires but 16 paddle, and looking for wheels now, for when the tires are off backorder lol
  3. zilla68

    It's Saturday Jan 11th 2025.. What is everyone doing this weekend?

    took my daughter to a basic pistol class. she's 20 and I told her even though she's shot before, she has to complete 3 classes before she gets one. instructor says why are you here, and I said because coming from someone other than dad isn't a bad thing lol. didn't get to shoot the range was...
  4. zilla68

    1984 HONDA ATC 250r

    LOOK AT IT....................................LOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. zilla68

    My faith in humanity has been restored - what would you do ?

    i just sold my 03 silverado xt cab 1500 4x4 with 200k and got 9500.00 for it. it was clean. but i had the old part for damn near everything that's been replaced, and told him to drive it, crawl all over it, have it looked at, inspected or whatever but i wasn't budging on price. had 2 people...
  6. zilla68

    Quad Duning Video

    i subscribed, and he has some bad ass glamis photo's on his site, might have to pick some up, some great action shots
  7. zilla68's First Featured Vehicle! I give you "HellTaco!!"

    good stuff, not too long, appreciate them.
  8. zilla68

    Christmas to new years 2025, what have you destroyed?

    those things are so brittle after a couple years, dorman makes one and a couple diesel shops have their versions also. probably all the same stuff. i used the same one on both hoses with no issues.
  9. zilla68

    Comp cut paddles

    man that's a beautiful car
  10. zilla68

    Christmas to new years 2025, what have you destroyed?

    which packard wheels do you have? i almost pulled the trigger on them last night
  11. zilla68

    Comp cut paddles

    lets see that car please
  12. zilla68

    Working or not working between Christmas and New Years?

    boss was off friday before christmas, and so was I....... he said i'm off until the 2nd, and soooooooooooo am I!
  13. zilla68

    Working or not working between Christmas and New Years?

    congrats man, thats awesome for you. headed to your vacation property?
  14. zilla68

    RIP Jimmy Carter

    he wasted that last vote!
  15. zilla68

    Its the Last weekend of 2024... What is everyone doing this weekend?

    got my pro r front end all back together, just ripped the back apart, almost done with this thing, why i thought i couldn't live with the color it was is now beyond me!
  16. zilla68

    Christmas to new years 2025, what have you destroyed?

    what year is the dmax? i replaced mine on my chevy with the aluminum ones from dorman, seemed to work well
  17. zilla68

    Tool Talk

    tektron, if you have a kid that's in college, set up the account thru them.