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  1. zilla68

    As a parent do you ever lose the anxiety for your kids?

    I dont "think" im a helicopter parent, at least i hope not. I gave him run of the road from a young age, told him you make the right choices, every time, i'll let you do what you want. and he did. I never monitored his music or movies he watched. he was at a party where bad stuff happened...
  2. zilla68

    As a parent do you ever lose the anxiety for your kids?

    My son lives in Minnesota temporarily while in training for work. He is 24. He has been there a year. I knew he was meeting his girlfriend in kansas city for valentines weekend, and I travel alot for work, so I gave im about 14,000 rental car points so he could rent instead of driving his truck...
  3. zilla68

    My thoughts on the Pro R

    my buddy just got back from glamis and went 35" sandcrafts and said they worked amazing and much better than the 33 he had
  4. zilla68

    My thoughts on the Pro R

    i have my new 35" sandcraft paddles delivering tomorrow. so I can't help you yet lol.
  5. zilla68

    My old TH remodel, 40’ of fun and surprises.. Repost from RDP!

    do you think this has done anything for you? what was the reason? I ask because i have a buddy who runs a mission tortilla route and his trailer has 5200lb axles and he's constantly breaking that mount. just broke one again this week, and we are trying to figure out why. the trailer repair...
  6. zilla68

    Duners Paradise, Someone needs to step up!

    all i can say is WOW, simply amazing
  7. zilla68

    A question for SXS owners

    they really like that sound at 3am
  8. zilla68

    A question for SXS owners

    wealth sharing............GIVE them one
  9. zilla68

    A question for SXS owners

    sometimes i remote start mine and turn the banda music up so people feel like they are at the dunes
  10. zilla68

    Let's talk life insurance

    i have not, looking for some options, since i've been with farmers for car insurance since I was probably 20, I liked it was all together in one spot, one contact, etc. i never had a reason to look. when the kids were born i decided i needed to do something just in case, now they are pretty...
  11. zilla68

    Let's talk life insurance

    between the wife and I, I think its 500 a month maybe, its lumped in with all the cars, kids etc, I'll have to look again
  12. zilla68

    Let's talk life insurance

    Just got notified from my farmers insurance agent that since i've reached the old age of 57 my life insurance policy is going up about 400 per month between my wife and I. I have 1.5 x my annual salary thru work, but i've carried an additional 350k for her and my self. anyone have any other...
  13. zilla68

    Pod Casts, what do you like?

    the viral podcast keeps me cracking up, its raw and raunchy I love it. team never quit, lots of good content on people who had a never quit moment or time in their life, whether military wounded, captured, woman kidnapped, 9-11 fire chief, I really get into these and their stories.
  14. zilla68

    Hell and back (literally).

    my dad told me the plots are paid, the arrangements are paid, he owes noone nothing and even his and mom's clothes are picked out, but I got a feeling my sister who he has taken care of forever could be an issue, although Im the executor of the will. she's never bought a car, he's always kept...
  15. zilla68

    Hell and back (literally).

    geez, that's crazy! don't understand why people are like this, but i have some family that fall into this category
  16. zilla68

    Hell and back (literally).

    geezus man, these stories are horrifying. The one thing I dread the most is my parents passing, and its coming, and I am not sure I can handle that. Much less the stress that comes with getting rid of things. Hopefully my sister doesn't do this which i don't think she would, but man, when...
  17. zilla68

    Gun porn

    sorry you lost all that in the ocean
  18. zilla68

    '21 Polaris 2 seat RZR S Turbo Velocity - UPGRADES! - $20k - PRICE DROP!

    jesus man, for it to still be not sold is nuts!
  19. zilla68

    It's Saturday Jan 11th 2025.. What is everyone doing this weekend?

    we did our pistol shooting class this afternoon. I said well honey, his crotch doesn't stand a chance based on that target lol. she finally got the rounds up on the target. I haven't shot in years and did pretty well. man I have to find something other than gun range ammo, man that was expensive lol