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  1. punkur67

    It's Saturday October 21 2023... What is everyone up too this weekend?

    Surprise 60th birthday for my mom yesterday. Took the rifles out today to get ready for a hunt with my dad. Finished installing a new radiator and hoses on my ford raptor and did an oil change.  20231022_102214.mp4  
  2. punkur67

    "Long Range" toys

    Just set this up as a backup gun for my upcoming elk hunt
  3. punkur67

    Its Saturday Oct 14th 2023... What is everyone up too?

    Happy to help. Welcome to the addiction!  Shot with @Bobalos this morning and and gave a crash course on shooting longer ranges. Also started the break in process on my new 6.5 SAUM barrel to get ready for my elk hunt next month while we were there. Hosted a cub scout meeting after the range...
  4. punkur67

    radiator hoses questions???

    Run them in aluminum and use Silicone fittings for the connections 
  5. punkur67

    "Long Range" toys

    I have owned, built, and shot a few precision rifles. Definitely a fun thing to do and addictive!!!
  6. punkur67

    Gun porn

    New match rifle, JP LRI20 in 6.5cm
  7. punkur67

    Hornady LNL progressive reloading press

    $800 -Hornady LNL progressive press -Hornady power bullet feeder with 9mm and 45 bullet feeder dies - Inline fabrication roller handle - Inline fabrication QC mount with base - 9 Extra QC die bushings - 4 Shell plates, #45, #16, #8, #1 - Inline fabrication Wall mount storage center -...
  8. punkur67

    Gun porn

    My NRL hunter rig
  9. punkur67

    Its Saturday 6-17-23 what is going on this weekend

    Spent my weekend in Utah shooting a 2 day NRL hunter match 
  10. punkur67

    Its Saturday 5-13-23. What is everyone up too this weekend?

    Did a pistol training class with my wife, dad, and friends. No big plans tomorrow since the wife works 
  11. punkur67

    Gun porn

    Built the wife a custom SP01 by wickedarms with some other goodies  •CZ SP-01 SA/ DA 9mm  •Banshee Slide Cut •Precision Milled for Holosun •Slide Refinished in Graphite Black •CGW Pro Trigger Package •CGW Race Hammer •CGW 10X Barrel Bushing •CGW Old Style Trigger •CGW Extended Firing...
  12. punkur67

    Highway Star

    Saw this today. 
  13. punkur67

    Gun porn

    My new cajunized SP01 with Trijicon SRO
  14. punkur67

    Its Saturday March 25 2023... Whats Ya doing this weekend

    Took the wife and dad shooting today. Dad got to dial in his new rifle and the wife shot out to 839 yards today. She had never shot past 100 yards before today
  15. punkur67

    Buggy Wiring Photo's?

    This is from a truck I wired. I used pegboard to help lay everything out before I put it in the mesh wire covering. 
  16. punkur67

    Buggy Wiring Photo's?

  17. punkur67

    Its Saturday Feb 25th what are Y'all doing this weekend?

    My welder called in sick for our big shutdown so I had to dust off the old weld hood and go out in the field. One of my buddies took this when I was welding 
  18. punkur67

    Motorhome re-upholstery

    (858) 722-9077
  19. punkur67

    Motorhome re-upholstery

    I had a shop in Ramona do mine. I think it was around $3k for all new upholstery on my captains chairs, couch, and dinette. That included them coming to my house to remove everything and they came to re-install. 