Search results

  1. Sandkist


    Top of the morning to you.
  2. Sandkist

    Where's Cheff?

    Golf or motocross today?
  3. Sandkist

    Robert L

    Any dunes in Florida?
  4. Sandkist

    Where's ESCO?

  5. Sandkist

    Esco's Three Word Game

    Go without food
  6. Sandkist

    Esco's Three Word Game

    Done with you
  7. Sandkist

    Robert L

    Have a great weekend sir
  8. Sandkist


    All day long
  9. Sandkist

    Esco's Three Word Game

    Friday is here
  10. Sandkist

    Esco's Three Word Game

    Seeing is believing
  11. Sandkist

    HOAT vs OAT in my Cherokee. Coolant issue.

    OAT lasts longer than “regular” IAT coolant but doesn’t protect against corrosion as well. HOAT offers the longer service intervals with better corrosion protection. As far as mixing, that depends on what the maker of the coolant says. I use Fleetguard OAT and they state it can be mixed with...
  12. Sandkist


    Omar is about to get busy
  13. Sandkist

    Esco's Three Word Game

    In the know
  14. Sandkist

    Esco's Three Word Game

    Got any beer?
  15. Sandkist


    Real man’s bike for sure lol
  16. Sandkist

    Robert L

    Get ready for Glamis and get ready for Glamis?
  17. Sandkist

    Esco's Three Word Game

    dream on dreamer
  18. Sandkist

    Continue the story but don't finish

    Esco, his long lost brother from another mother. Little did he know……
  19. Sandkist

    Esco's Three Word Game

    Get a life
  20. Sandkist

    Esco's Three Word Game

    Name that tune