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  1. Sandkist


    Bros before hoes
  2. Sandkist

    Esco's Three Word Game

    always talking trash
  3. Sandkist

    What do you do for work?

    Porn Star. Sorry, had to do it.
  4. Sandkist

    Esco's Three Word Game

    Ahead of you
  5. Sandkist

    Double disc clutch adjustment

    My experience has been that different clutch packages will have different release/ engagement points. If your clutch is engaging in the last inch of pedal travel than it should also disengage relatively at the same point assuming that everything is assembled correctly. Bleed your system again...
  6. Sandkist


    Happy Saturday.
  7. Sandkist

    Camp Lights

    Camp light ?
  8. Sandkist


    Happy Friday
  9. Sandkist

    Where's ESCO?

    How did it go?
  10. Sandkist


    What happens at the sand show stays at the sand show 😄
  11. Sandkist

    Adding Fuel Station and Water Station to enclosed trailer

    For those who have filters on their fuel stations, is the filter before or after the pump?
  12. Sandkist

    Esco's Three Word Game

    Smoke your pipe
  13. Sandkist

    Esco's Three Word Game

    Possibly is correct
  14. Sandkist


    Very cool to finally meet for sure. It was great to meet you and your better half.
  15. Sandkist

    Automotive relays

    Either way. Ignition on provides a 12 volt signal to the ECM which in turn operates a fuel pump relay (or should lol). Can also be configured to have a fuel pump output that is isolated from the. ECM.
  16. Sandkist

    Esco's Three Word Game

    Mind over matter
  17. Sandkist

    Automotive relays

    Not much to go wrong with a standard relay as they are a pretty basic electromechanical design and have proven themselves to be very reliable. Too much amperage or exceeding the duty cycle is a sure way to kill a relay. SS is nice in that there are no moving parts but, it is solid state 😀
  18. Sandkist

    Esco's Three Word Game

    Please go away
  19. Sandkist

    Don't buy the BS - CA SB 708

    Its not a tax, it’s a fee. What you say when you are worried about your constituents turning on you.
  20. Sandkist

    Esco's Three Word Game

    Normal you’re not