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  1. Sandkist

    Ruts are killing me!

    Or a three wheeler 😄
  2. Sandkist


  3. Sandkist


    Cold in the high desert these nights
  4. Sandkist

    Robert L

    Where are we going?
  5. Sandkist

    Where's Cheff?

    Alright, who pissed him off?😄
  6. Sandkist


    Let’s go @ChEFF
  7. Sandkist

    Continue the story but don't finish

    Unfortunately, this only resulted in shrinkage of their,,,,,,,,
  8. Sandkist

    Esco's Three Word Game

    Trim your bush
  9. Sandkist

    Was it you? 🤔

    “issuing tickets for offenses including driving without a license, failing to wear a helmet and moving violation” You need a driver’s license to operate an off road vehicle??
  10. Sandkist

    The pendulum is swinging back Hard!!!

    It has been said that if you are not a liberal in your 20s then you have no heart. If you are not a conservative in your 40s than you have no brain.
  11. Sandkist

    Other people’s money

    Already happening. I believe it is called welfare! 🤔
  12. Sandkist

    New to me 1987 trx250r purchase and build process

    Always good stuff from Duncan Racing.
  13. Sandkist

    IMI Hi-Torque starter parts?

    Sure seems like IMI starters need to be rebuilt often. Why?
  14. Sandkist

    Nitrogen in Shocks

    Damping is fairly consistent throughout a bypass zone (assuming consistent shaft speed through the zone) and does not increase at the end of the zone other than the additional resistance created by the shock shaft displacing fluid. Tube placement in relationship to the end of the shock...
  15. Sandkist

    Nitrogen in Shocks

    More nitrogen will slow down your shock shaft speed as the shock compresses. Slower shaft speeds will make your shim stacks /valving react differently. Fox does not recommend using nitrogen pressure as a tuning tool ( air shock excluded). When your shock is fully compressed, nitrogen pressure is...
  16. Sandkist

    Nitrogen in Shocks

    Today’s useless fun fact. Air is 78% nitrogen! 🤔
  17. Sandkist

    Comp cut paddles

    I ran comp cut paddles on a sand car for years. They are substantially lighter than a standard paddle. I never had an issue with punctures or cuts. The cord is what provides the strength/puncture resistance and not the rubber. On my tires the cord was visible when brand new and I wore down the...
  18. Sandkist

    LS thermostat housing gasket??

    Is your thermostat separate from the housing or one piece (t stat and housing replaced as a unit)?
  19. Sandkist

    Any GM Techs, Automotive Guru's...

    New springs or originals? Spring or the position of the spring on the strut determines your ride height. Assuming an aftermarket strut, could be the lower spring perch is at a different position (higher) than a factory strut.
  20. Sandkist

    Wheelers and bike babes

    Wheelers? Did someone say wheelers?