I'm looking for suggestions for what a first time sandcar buyer should be checking besides looking for cracks in the frame and odd noises from the transaxle?
I have never delt with beadlocks before but understand the concept of 'locking' the tire on the wheel so it doesn't spin. If a 2 piece beadlock wheel ( 2 separate halves not counting the locking ring ) are leaking air where the two halves meet, so much air loss that they go flat in an hour and...
Are stock vw wheels with 155/60r15 tires the narrowest wheel/tire combo for loading on a narrow trailer besides using guniwheel or a plywood wheels (so basically the lug nuts are the widest points)?
There was an electrical thread in the last 6 months or so where someone mentioned a good brand of toggle switches. I searched and could not find it. What is the good brand of 12 Volt toggle switches?
Where does environmental justice sit on the totem pole of Lgbtqxyz, regular gays, Black lives matter, transformers, global warming, and illegal immigration? Does anyone have a hierarchy chart of what has precedence over what...
Which car would you choose? There is a 4 seat S&S with bypass rear shocks and a Funco Gen 2 with Gen 3 suspension available. Both have similar engines/transaxles, so that is not a deciding factor. Both are close in price so the price is not the deciding factor. In my other Funco thread it...