Search results

  1. Looney Duner

    Cheap used road cones.

    I have used road cones, some are already spoken for, but probably going to have 40-50 available. Must pick up in wash 3. No delivery. Must let me know before I leave tomorrow, I don't want to bring extra crap for no reason... 30 pack of beer, or bottle of Sailor Jerry for 10. Seems fair 😆  Let...
  2. Looney Duner

    WTB - Enclosed Trailer

    I was in the market last year, looked all over hell an back. Used prices were stupid, so I ended up buying a new one from fractal trailer. 2 week or less build time, they even delivered it to my house for free. It's nice, but a no frills trailer. My .02, buy a new one, then just sell it when...
  3. Looney Duner

    How is your view from work today?

    San Clemente. Kinda gloomy thus far....
  4. Looney Duner

    Epoxy toy hauler floor?

    I did my new box trailer with the home depot stuff. Came out perfect, I can't say what would need to be done for painted wood, mine was bare. But, anyways, I would not hesitate to use the home depot stuff again.
  5. Looney Duner

    Ls adapter plate needed

    A buddy of mine is finally dropping an ls in his car, has the engine, trans, flywheel, and torque converter set up. Look for an adapter plate, hopefully someone here has one laying around.  Thanks!
  6. Looney Duner

    Need some advice from the ls engine guys.

    So I'm considering a few options for my engine build, I currently have an ls1, cnc ported heads, fast intake, bigger injectors, bla bla bla. Pretty basic set up, but it runs great. I recently picked up a kenne bell 2.6 blower, with a cathedral port intake. I'm going to build the ls1, and I'm...
  7. Looney Duner

    So cal machine shop recommendations

    As the title says, I'm looking for a machine shop in Southern California, preferably inland empire area to do some machine work on an LS aluminum block. It's been 15+ years since I've had anything done. Who is the trusted guy/shop?
  8. Looney Duner

    Park Like a Douche

    So there was a douche parked at the donut shop, and 2 minutes later he pulled out, then douche no. 2 parked the same.....
  9. Looney Duner

    Any ls1 power adders?

    I'm curious if anyone has any ls1 goodies laying around they might want to sell, turbo kit or supercharger possibly? I found a lsa supercharger for a decent deal, and there are adapter plates to make it bolt on. But if anyone here has anything, I'd be interested... TIA 
  10. Looney Duner

    Paddle innerube

    I'm thinking of putting innertubes in my rear tires for the upcoming season. I've tried every possible method of sealing them. Nothing has worked. Anyone use innertubes? Any recommendations on brand?
  11. Looney Duner

    Looking for a $5k to 10k river boat...

    That Nordic the sausage posted would be cool, if it looks as good in person.  Boat= bust out another thousand  Ask me how I know 😶
  12. Looney Duner

    Its Saturday 3-18-23.. What are ya all up to this weekend

    Practice, then off to qualify for my ccw. Qualified with my 9, my 40, and my 45. Christina qualified with her 380. Good day
  13. Looney Duner

    Highway Star

  14. Looney Duner

    Non resident ohv sticker?

    Got a guy coming out with us this weekend, bike is registered, but not in california, I understand he needs a non resident ohv sticker.  Where is the easiest place to get one? Any idea on cost? Tried to Google it and got mixed results as to where he can get one. I figured someone here will...
  15. Looney Duner

    How is your view from work today?

    San Bernardino, might turn into 2 days...
  16. Looney Duner

    How is your view from work today?

    Nice quiet neighborhood in rialto today.......
  17. Looney Duner

    2018 Polaris Ace 150

    Never wheelied??  I didn't know that was an option 😳  Either way, that will some kid real happy 😊 
  18. Looney Duner

    King shock parts needed!

    Well one of my 2.5 reservoirs is effed up. Need a 2.5 reservoir can, the internal floating piston, and the snap rings and seals... Any ideas? Does anyone have some old shocks they are willing to part with?
  19. Looney Duner

    Its Saturday 11-5-22 Whats Going on

    Putting some extra money in the bank before it slows down, then some glamis prep after work.