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  1. T

    Camping on the river

    My plan is to go when it warms up, but if we don't bother anybody maybe nobody will care
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    Getting stuck is a problem

    This seems like such an obvious solution to being stuck. Has anybody tried airing way way down and then filling back up once they drive out of the hole?
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    Camping on the river

    Wow, that was really helpful, thank you you guys
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    Getting stuck is a problem

    I love this idea, thank you
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    Camping on the river

    When I was younger I took my kids canoeing from Laughlin to Castle Rock above Lake havasu, and we would camp on the river banks on the way down. It was a lot of fun. I'd like to do the same trip with my grandkids. Is it legal to primitive camp on the beaches? I realize this is a pretty random...
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    Getting stuck is a problem

    I am not sure the physics of it, but 37-in tires on my pickup truck absolutely get stuck less easily than the 35 inch I had on it and so I'm assuming the same would be true on a paddle tire?
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    Getting stuck is a problem

    I assume 35.5 goes on a 12-in rim? And I noticed everybody with the horsepower is running them. This post probably should be in the sandrail section?
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    Getting stuck is a problem

    It does seem logical that 33s will get stuck more easily than 35s, but I do like my gearing and don't want to change the trans. Would 35 on really wide rims get stuck less easily?
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    Getting stuck is a problem

    One last question, on a truck that's stuck in the sand if I lower the tire pressure down to single digits it will climb out of just about any hole. Will the same thing work for a sand rail? Can I reduce the pressure to about 4 PSI , let it crawl out of the hole and fill it back up with air...
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    Getting stuck is a problem

    Okay here is what I got from you guys, don't drive alone, bring traction boards, have correct tire pressure, bring a shovel, use the starter in reverse to get unstuck, bring a kinetic toe strap, keep your momentum up, don't park on an incline, watch where you're going, don't get stuck in the...
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    Getting stuck is a problem

    All this input is really really helpful. Thank you so much. I heard once about ratchet strapping a piece of 2x4 to the paddle tire, anybody heard of such an idea to get unstuck?
  12. T

    Getting stuck is a problem

    Love the suggestions, is a jack helpful to put sand underneath the tires if you dug yourself a hole?
  13. T

    Stuck rail

    I appreciate the "don't dune alone" advice, when I say "dune alone " I mean heading over to olds or following the asphalt Highway over to Comp Hill. Testing and making adjustments and putting around, not really duneing. But maybe even that's not a good idea.
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    Getting stuck is a problem

    Thank you for the starter and reverse idea, I am looking for whatever tips I can get . From the picture I had just jacked up the car to put the wheels on and it is sitting a little bit higher than normal but I do need to learn how to set the thing up properly. If I back the spring preload off it...
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    Getting stuck is a problem

    Thank you so much for your responses. And happy New Years by the way. Is a traction board a mat that goes under the tire or is it a board that is strapped to the tire?
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    Getting stuck is a problem

    So I finished this project, a shortened 07 Tatum rail with a blown LS motor, and it is simply a blast to drive. But the first time I took it out I got stuck and ended up having to be pulled out. It makes me nervous to ever dune by myself, is there any practical way of getting un stuck without...
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    Glamis 911 or other tow service experience?

    That was supposed to say fairly priced and very competent and there's snow cat will pull you out of anything
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    Glamis 911 or other tow service experience?

    J&M Towing in Brawley is amazing. Have helped me twice and are priced and very confident.
  19. T

    Stuck rail

    Thank you for the suggestions, and I it's good to know that there's not an easier solution than digging it out or pulling it out
  20. T

    Stuck rail

    Wow, I'm glad you didn't get hurt on that one, and it looks like your front end is still intact. And I assume you got out or you wouldn't be able to share the photos :-)