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  1. Drupanddown

    So who is the coward?

    This thread is taking a turn, who’s the villain im confused 
  2. Drupanddown

    So who is the coward?

    Lego maniac
  3. Drupanddown

    Son locked up Suzuki 110

    my son ran all the oil out of the bottom end of his 110. Is there like for like motor/trans that bolt right up. 2005 Suzuki 110 4 speed auto  IMG_4656.MOV IMG_4656.MOV
  4. Drupanddown

    Motorhome Life

    Thanks and Copy that came through your neighborhood (grapevine) during the freeze of the century while driving it back from Alabama. Air ride is night and day from my leaf sprung Southwind gasser. We got snowed in Pecos. 
  5. Drupanddown

    Motorhome Life

    Dang man i just bought a similar rig this February ya got me nervous. 70k on her now. I guess your thought is “cheaper to keep her”. 
  6. Drupanddown

    Mother Son of A F

  7. Drupanddown

    Ghostly Adventures from Gecko

    Y’all still letting the beef cook Iv check in got my laughs off to youth sports for The Weeknd  carry on  this has been the most aggressive ghost camping thread yet 
  8. Drupanddown

    Mother Son of A F

  9. Drupanddown

    Ghostly Adventures from Gecko

    Another Glamis “game changer”? 
  10. Drupanddown

    Halloween Decorations

     Bought this dude a few years back he’s always scarred the toddlers 
  11. Drupanddown

    It's Saturday 10-23-21 What are you doing this weekend?

    Youth Soccer Friday sat Sunday baseball Sunday squeeze in dez trip prepping where ever I can. My little guys loves to help 
  12. Drupanddown

    How would you “Hit it”

    Burn,Mabe you’ll get LOD to bit Patiently waiting
  13. Drupanddown

    How would you “Hit it”

    It was an iPhone Live Photo Yammie was an on looker RZR was on the other side of the slip face a blazed
  14. Drupanddown

    How would you “Hit it”

  15. Drupanddown

    How would you “Hit it”

    Lol Thattelll do  I see an infinity loop in there very tricky 
  16. Drupanddown

    How would you “Hit it”

    When I see over head shots of dune sets I always think how would I hit it. I lead a lot of the time I’m always lookin for the smooth lines.  what say you all you leaders?
  17. Drupanddown

    Highway Star

    Old 8 East county 
  18. Drupanddown

    It's Saturday 10-9-21 What are you dong this weekend?

    Soccer practice Friday afternoon soccer games sat morning baseball game under the lights Saturday night (“fall ball” majors division 10-12yo) Dez day trip Sunday my dad couple good buddies and I left 7am back home by 5pm, ran the buggy with new 2d trans did great, all of three boys and the wife...