Search results

  1. BONES

    2009 AG Sandcar

    This is for my father in law, please call him. If you message me about it that’s ok, I know a lot about this car, but I’ll probably just give you his phone number anyways.   2009 AG Sandcar. 2nd owner. 5 seater with the bench in the rear, super comfy and plush. One trip on new clutch and...
  2. BONES

    Blown Head Gasket

    Head gasket update:  head gaskets are just fine. Heads are fine. Cylinder wall on the block is cracked.    I guess it’s time to upgrade…
  3. BONES

    Blown Head Gasket

    Well… I Came home yesterday and pulled the motor out.   I left the heads intact so I still don’t know what’s inside. We got it out pretty easily, once I spent a few hours pulling everything apart.  Then I pulled the transmission and put it in the back of my truck. I called McDowells at about 6...
  4. BONES

    Blown Head Gasket

    How about sand coming through the intake? Would this cause a head gasket to blow? My intake manifold has some grit in it.    so some more questions for you guys: - can I reuse exhaust manifold gaskets?  - any perticular injectors that you recommend?  - I have the motor and trans ready to...
  5. BONES

    Blown Head Gasket

    that is exactly why I need someone who knows what to look for, I didn’t even know what that meant.  I always love a good mystery, Except when it costs me money. I feel like I need to drain all the gas now, check my fuel drum, go through my whole system. maybe sand got into my fuel some how.  I...
  6. BONES

    Blown Head Gasket

    We went out to the sand this week and had a blast. I thought the car was running great with no issues. We did a super fast run and I noticed my temp gauge was climbing. Let it cool for quite a while, and my buddy said he saw white smoke puffs out of one side of the exhaust. I limped it back to...
  7. BONES

    WTB - Small Dirtbike for 3 Year Old

    Hello friends,  I’m looking to buy a small motorcycle for my 3 year old girl. Shes super talented and has been doing really good on her little bike.  I am wanting to get her going on maybe a Pee wee 50. Does anyone have one they would like to sell or know of anyone? Much appreciated. 
  8. BONES

    Happy Birthday JWEST2SH

    Man, haven’t seen that guys great posts for awhile. His ford posts and his DD post also were great. Loved all his contributions. Hope he comes back soon. 
  9. BONES

    Kenworth/Airstream motorhome beast

    Super awesome rig. I could only imagine it’s a blast to drive. Puts my pusher Moho right in the trailer, so to speak! (No pun intended) 😂
  10. BONES

    Ghostly Adventures from Gecko

    This sounds so gay. Is this what life has become? I bet if the glamis group from the 90s could look at the glamis group of the 20s, they’d laugh.   Oh sorry for hurting your feelings on “the forums”. ..
  11. BONES

    How many leo's does it take to kill a dinosaur? (12)

    What happened to bring it in, pack it out??? That thing , In my opinion, is trash. You can’t do that at the national forest, right? Why do it here?  And why can or would you dump off trash and call it a destination? Stupid Idiots. 
  12. BONES

    For Sale: B&W Companion 5th wheel hitch

    For Sale: B&W Companion 5th Wheel Hitch. It’s a turnover ball setup so the rails aren’t stuck in your bed with a bunch of holes. Sold my 5th wheel trailer and buying a motorhome so I don’t need this anymore.  $500.00
  13. BONES

    So who is the coward?

    I’m putting together that it’s a guy named Ryan and his screen name is toy collector.  He sounds like a peach. 
  14. BONES

    So who is the coward?

     Very clever. I like what you did there.  
  15. BONES

    CV’s Clicking

    My CV’s click when the car is turning. Is this normal?  I have had professionals tell me conflicting points of view. I have had them replaced already and done professionally, and they still click, quite loudly. I just wanted to get they general consensus from you guys on here, maybe @J...
  16. BONES

    Tells us about your dune trip @ Thanksgiving

    I went out just for the day to ride with my group. I have a 2 year old and 2 week old at home and my wife wasn’t ready to go camp yet. It was windy driving out there and it was windy all day, but that’s what goggles are for. I wish I had taken more pictures, as it was a full adventure!  One...
  17. BONES

    How many Members actually still go to Glamis?

    Been going to Gordon’s and glamis since I was 10. Stopped going to the sand and went to hard pack for a few years in my early 20’s, but I haven’t missed a year of sand in the last 12 years.   I may take off time from this site, but I won’t take time off from glamis. 
  18. BONES

    1986 250R For Sale

    1986 Honda 250R Fourtrax for sale FMF Pipe and silencer, Zero hours on new top end and rebuilt carb, fully serviced ready for the desert.  $4800 obo  (619) 301-5727
  19. BONES

    Year: 2013 Make: Universal Trailers Model: 26’ Enclosed Cargo Trailer

    Just kidding. I don’t really know 😂