Search results

  1. Stinky

    2.5 Subie?

    Anybody know, how good of a motor is in the '08 Subie Outback...the 2.5 4 cyl.  I think that it is a NA EJ motor. A guy I know, his wife's Outback popped a radiator....which all plastic radiators are prone to do.  The thing went in to the red, on the gage.  A shop looked at it and says that it...
  2. Stinky

    1 3/8" axle rating

    I bought an ATV trailer and it has a 1 3/8" wheel bearing set in it.  I am presently changing the wheel bearings.  It had Chinese bearings in it.  On my last trip, the hubs were getting warm.  When I pulled them, they bearings were sort of frosty, versus shiny.  It also had a Bearing Buddy type...
  3. Stinky

    Ignition Coil or Electronic Ignition Coil

    My Sister-In-Law has a Subie.  I have no idea of what kind of motor that it has.  It had a mis-fire on cylinder #?.  It had been in the shop before that before.  I don't know what they did before.  Anyways, this time, they changed the Electronic Ignition Coils, on the motor....I think all, 6, of...
  4. Stinky

    Grizzly motor in a Rhino?

    There is an '07 Grizzly (an ATV) 700 motor on FB Marketplace here.  The guys says make and offer.  I have an '06 Rhino.  I have heard that they have the same drive-train.  Are the engines compatible at all?  Would I gain anything other than 40ccs?   I'm tempted to get it....assuming that it is...
  5. Stinky

    Is this you?

    I've seen it....and I confess, I've had times when I've turned the wheel the wrong way and had to re-group .
  6. Stinky

    The "Donkey-Kick"

    This is a relay of what happened on our New Year's trip.  We took 2 grand-kids, a daughter and her fiance. I took 1 of my grand-sons out and gave him a class on the dunes.  On his last ride, my brother-in-law went crazy and gave a spirited lead/route through the dunes on his 350ATC.  My GSs...
  7. Stinky

    Type 1 trans compatability

    I have an rail that is licensed as a trailer.  I bought it out of an estate and I am trying to get it going.  I plan on driving it on the here, It has a bus Swingaxle, w.reduction gears.  A 67-72 IRS box just popped up on CL for $70.  I could see that it...
  8. Stinky

    Patton Valley

    There any Patton Valley goers here?   How long does it take to get from the parking area to the dunes?  What sort of Ranger presence is there in the area?  What sort of knuckle-head presence is there in the area (boo-boo heads that do their engine tuning at 10p, and etc.?
  9. Stinky

    Kawasaki Mojave

    I have encountered a 250 Kawasaki Mohave/Mojave.   They appear to be a water.cooled  dohc 4 valve 4 stroke w.a kick.start (bummer) and a manual clutch. What else can you tell me?   I am looking for a dunes bike that a medium (between novice and expert) could ride. Are they actually a 250 (I...
  10. Stinky

    Warrior clutch

    I just did the 1st oil change on my "new" Warrior.  I found coffee grounds in the filter housing...there were also bigger chunks in there.  I assume that it was clutch pieces. On the last or 2nd to last ride, last trip, 3-5 times it did something "Funny."  It was like the chain was jumping.  I...
  11. Stinky

    What is this hotrod?

    I was at an auction today and this was for sale....$1,250 won it.  It seemed to have Rhino drivetrain.  It was sold as a project.  What is it? A Tow.Hauler sold for $3,500 and 2017  1000r Maverick for around 10K
  12. Stinky

    Looking for a Yamaha Forum

    I'm not a Yamaha guy....but, now I have 3.  I have a 250 Timberwolf, 350 Warrior (last week, and 1st dunes trip the next day), and a 660 Rhino (which is going hunting in 2 days). I am looking for a Yamaha forum.  I found and .net and Yamahaclub, but they seem to be lacking...
  13. Stinky

    Help a Guy Out, Or Not.

    Saturday, at Buttercup, we went on a ride and stopped out near the Bowl, or what is left of it.  We were sitting there watching, chatting and etc.  We watched these 5 big buggies make a pass around the bowl to the north of us.  It appeared that they were all V-8 powered w/big meats on them.  We...
  14. Stinky

    There aught to be a law agin (against) it

    I am presently at Buttercup, waiting on my to come in from Long Beach. I bought a Warrior yesterday, actually, picked it up, and got the OHV sticker too....$25.25 in Colorado. I PAID $30 today for a non-resident CA sticker for the same ATV.  I know things cost more in CA, which...
  15. Stinky

    10 more to lose

    On sale now.  I couldnt restrain myself.  I now have (2) 1/2" drive 10mm sockets. 
  16. Stinky

    81-87 Chevy Smog Parts?

    There are no sensors.  There is a temp gage sender.  There are some temperature vaccum valves. I have the manifolds....but no heat.riser. I agree, what you are looking  for is not gonna be easy. A small town yard is what you need. Car-part shows that Phils in Hotchkiss has a smog.pump.  They...
  17. Stinky

    Highway Star

    I ain't never seen this before...on the street. You.ll see the tow.rope w.a red rag on it.
  18. Stinky

    European Sights?

    My daughter is in Lausanne, Switzerland on the wife wants to go see her in the Spring.   I'd like to go to the War Museum in Bastogne and Normandy The wife wants to go to Florence. Any other ideas on stuff to see in Western Europe? The train, or rent a car?
  19. Stinky

    350 over.rev

    I have the Suburban set to move something is in low.range. I go in side and the son says, can I drive the Sub in to town....yes.  3-5 secs later I go and try to catch him and see it turning on to the road. 5 minutes later, he calls and says that he is broke down.  It started losing...
  20. Stinky

    Park Like a Douche

    I guess  that the handicapped tag lets you park on the sidewalk, where there is no space