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  1. Stinky

    Tire Facts, or BS

    Well, I changed those tires out on 10.30.
  2. Stinky

    Upgrading Honda 250 ex’s.

    I'm 63 and ride one of those.... sometimes. I'm 200# My bike is a Warrior, but I ride all of my bikes. I trimmed the paddles half way, w/a sawzall. It allows the bike to spin the tires in 3rd and 4th. It worked way better after I trimmed the about 1/2" tall. I would have them...
  3. Stinky

    What Pharmacy you all use in Los Algodones?

    Many moons ago, DB&Hot VWs mag did an article where they rode, from Buttercup to Algodones. That was in the days when all you needed to cross the line was a DL. It should be about 20 miles, each way
  4. Stinky

    New to Sandrails

    You can spend $100K on it.... Or shop around and find the same thing that extras have been added to for way less that is a few years old. Sand rails are like SXSs, Boats, Hot-Rods, and etc, a guy has $25K in to it, and can't sell it for 12 or 13 I'd buy used....a very good possibility that...
  5. Stinky

    JD'S Memes

    Or, the plate fits him....
  6. Stinky

    Lets Talk About Health

    They are finding that Cholesterol is not a threat to health. My doctor said, "I tend to agree, unless you've had a Heart Attack." I was shocked when he said that. Millions have already been indoctrinated that Cholesterol causes Heart Attacks.
  7. Stinky

    Lincoln, Reagan, JFK and Trump.

    There is also a theory that Robert K was shot on his stance on organized crime (duh Mafia)
  8. Stinky

    Thread chasing after powder coating?

    Harborfright....their cheapo set will clean out the holes.
  9. Stinky

    Register RV in AZ

    ND or sd....I don't remember which. You can go w.a POB
  10. Stinky

    RIP Pete Rose

    When I played Little League...about 1970, they passed out a booklet that talked about the positions and etc. Guess who had a blurb in there about the game... An interesting all the way to the bottom...
  11. Stinky

    RIP Pete Rose

    He was a great player....BUT, the liar does not belong in the Hall. The FBI had a bunch of stuff on who a gambler owes money to.
  12. Stinky


    There are about 7.6Mil here, that ICE has a file on. Since forever, there has been a shortage of Immigration Judges, which makes a backlog of available hearing dates, and people wait years for a hearing. Right now, the ICE Detainers are being contested in courts...IOW, If they FAX a form, to a...
  13. Stinky

    Harbor Freight 10 days of deals : 40% off any daytona jack today.

    I bought a 4" grinder from them. I was using it to cut a rubber cushion....I was adding air-bags. I did one side, then I let all the smoke out of it. I went back and returned it. I bought a 4.5" grinder....I cut the other side and I still have it, and use it w/a wire wheel on it. I have...
  14. Stinky

    Raise your hand...

    That is why we go to Buttercup....1 minute from pavement and 1 minute from the dunes. OHHH, stay away, you won't like it
  15. Stinky

    JD'S Memes

    You talking about the telephone junction box w.the coax cable?
  16. Stinky

    Trick or treating in Glamis?

    You would be an hour from El Centro and/or Yuma
  17. Stinky

    Monster Manx smog

    I'm pretty sure that there are no Non-Smog areas in CA and that every car that gets licensed has to pass smog. In some places, they have to pass it every 2 years....which may be what you are thinking of
  18. Stinky

    Monster Manx smog

    If AZ doesn't work out....I think SD is used by seniors as a dodge. You can get a POB the and register RVs there cheaper
  19. Stinky

    Monster Manx smog

    That is bad