Search results

  1. L.R.S.

    2008 Tatum LS7 Pre Runner Sand Rail

    A sandrail rear hub is a micro-stub or a mid-board, or as @parker@gearone would call them center-board. There are also out-board hubs. They are called this because of where the CV is located in the hub. Micro-stub hubs have the CVs in-board of the hub, mid-board (center-board) have the CV's...
  2. L.R.S.

    What do you do for work?

    18 years as a control room operator in a hydrogen plant, then an oil refinery in the Long Beach, Carson and Wilmington areas. Also I ran a 32mw steam condensing turbine generator and associated equipment. For the past 6 years I've been with LA County Dept of Health Services as a Stationary...
  3. L.R.S.

    Verizon Outage

    My client in Ramona and Justin with SCU in Vegas have no cell phone service. Can't text or call. But apps are working so we are communicating via DMs on IG.
  4. L.R.S.

    Dune closures

    Dune the closures. It's our land. Use it.
  5. L.R.S.

    ISO - 8-2-1 LS exhaust

    Text me man. David and I are friends and he does all my exhaust systems. He has done countless for me including my car, Balin's Duramax and so many others. We'll be in PHX this week and can get your headers to him.
  6. L.R.S.

    It's Saturday Sept 28th 2024.. What is everyone doing this weekend?

    Finishing up the prep on this Buckshot today. Date night tonight. House call tomorrow to give a Tatum prerunner a once over for one of my clients.
  7. L.R.S.

    Double disc clutch adjustment

    Looks like you found the issue by adjusting the slave.
  8. L.R.S.

    Double disc clutch adjustment

    Did you originally have a double disk clutch? Did you do anything to the slave cylinder? Did you makes sure the disks and spacer were installed on the correct direction?
  9. L.R.S.

    Camp Lights

    Yup. Used to be called a jumpoline but my ex-wife used it once and they changed the name.
  10. L.R.S.

    Camp Lights

    I agree. We don't have any big lights in our group and it's nice. A group next to us always has these bright ass lights on and it's annoying sitting by their fire. But they also all have kids under 10 yrs old running around and on the trampoline.
  11. L.R.S.

    Lets talk 12V Impact gun options

    I've had the Harbor Freight Hercules 12v cordless impact and drill for 5 years and they've been flawless. I have the cheaper HF Bauer stuff in my trailer for Glamis. I'm fortunate that Harbor Freight sends me free stuff to 'test' and post on IG. They gave me two of the 20v Hercules brushless...
  12. L.R.S.

    Off-Road Expo - Fairplex in Pomona, CA

    I'll be there Saturday. I like hugs.
  13. L.R.S.

    Season pass now available (ASA)

    They told me cash was $150 each. I didn't have $450 cah so they ran my debit card for $480. Next year I'll buy from Red Earth.
  14. L.R.S.

    Season pass now available (ASA)

    I bought three passes at the Sand Show and they had a $10 per pass CC/debit card fee. Some bullshit.
  15. L.R.S.

    In Search of : Whipple 4.5 for LS7

    Those guys are great. Years ago I delivered a few pallets of superchargers to them from CBM. They also rebuilt my Magnacharger.
  16. L.R.S.

    SSSS 2024 thread

    It was great to go in early yesterday and talk to all my vendors before it opened to the public. Camping there is a great experience too, second year for us. Took my new lady friend that has no idea what a sandrail or SxS is. She hung with my daughter and son's GF all day following us aound...
  17. L.R.S.

    Cost to build a new enclosed trailer in 2024?

    Two years ago I had Universal build me a 20' enclosed with 104" rear door. It's just for my transport business so no fuel or water, no work bench or cabinets. Just a winch and spare tire in the floor. Trailer was $17k with an MSO that I took to Sonora Smog Check and had them register it to my...
  18. L.R.S.

    It's Saturday Sept 21st 2024.. What is everyone doing this weekend?

    Sand Show again today. It's great see so many of my vendors and clients and friends. Camping here is the best.
  19. L.R.S.

    MacGyver fixes

    Fuel pump relay got hot and melted on my buddies car and we were in the dunes behind Olds. Towing it would have sucked. I carry a few feet of #10 wire in my tool bag. I wired the fuel pump directly to the battery so he could drive it back to camp.
  20. L.R.S.

    PCI Intercom - DSP Needed?

    Text me. I get a hundred DMs on IG a day. Hard to keep up with them.