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  1. L.R.S.

    It's Saturday Jan 4th 2025.. What is everyone doing this weekend?

    It's my daughter's 19th birthday today and we're in Glamis with 100 famliy/friends. Picked up 30 Rameys steaks. A good friends daughter gets married here at Roadrunner on Wednesday and my son is in the wedding party. Brought my son's Tatum amd Yamaha Raptor 700 our for him. Current view
  2. L.R.S.


    Pretty popular weekend, and it's free, no pass required.
  3. L.R.S.

    Nitrogen in Shocks

    As stated above changing the shock pressure will change the performance. Adding nitrogen to your air bags will not make any difference whatsoever, other than cost money. Nitrogen is used in shocks because it is an inert gas and will not corrode, expand or contract with temperature...
  4. L.R.S.

    Gooseneck vs 5th Wheel on Toy haulers

    We've transported dozens of 5th wheels, most with the standard 5th wheel hitch amd a few with a gooseneck adapter. No preference for me.
  5. L.R.S.

    RIP Jimmy Carter

    So now Biden is the worst living US President.
  6. L.R.S.

    Working or not working between Christmas and New Years?

    Worked yesterday, working today and tomorrow. Off Sunday, working Monday and Tuesday. But my job is in Glamis, so that doesn't suck.
  7. L.R.S.

    Need a Ride

    Ride from where?
  8. L.R.S.

    Looking for Bead Lock Wheels - Trade?

    I have a set of 15" x 5" front and 15" x 12" rear beadlocks for sale. $1000. Front tires not available, paddles are also for sale, Dune Sport 16.50x15 almost new, $800.
  9. L.R.S.

    Dune Sport 14.50 x 15 Paddles

    Good. Now I can post a pair of almost new 16.50 X 15 #2 cut.
  10. L.R.S.

    It's Saturday Dec 21st 2024..What is everyone doing this weekend?

    Got a Harbor Freight cordless. Been shoveling that pile for a week, 20 minutes at a time. It's about half done. But my buddy camped here does have a legit backpack blower. Might need to por favor it.
  11. L.R.S.

    Tatum Black Widow Windshield

    If you're in the LA area Prime Glass in Ontario will know. They've done several for me and they do all the Funco's.
  12. L.R.S.

    Gas tank repair

    Steve, aka OG fasthighjumper member #2, at Burbank Radiator can fix it. He brazed a hole on my Honda 6500 genney tank.
  13. L.R.S.

    Harbor freight badlands winch, 40% off tomorrow (Thurs.) with coupon.

    I ran the HF 5k on my flatbed for years and it was trouble free. Upgraded to the 9500 and 12k on my newer trailers and they work great.
  14. L.R.S.

    Sand Car Security In Dunes- What Do You Do?

    Never worried about my car at Vendors or Duners Diner. At night I put the steering wheel in my trailer. If I'm gone for a day I'll throw a cable and lock on the car.
  15. L.R.S.


    I don't worry about that stuff. I have a legit generator breaker set up in my house panel. I was in Havasu yesterday and grabbed a Harbor Freight 9k. Got it set up this morning and I'm running it with two halogen lights for load. I'll give it a 30 minute break in. What they don't tell you- the...
  16. L.R.S.


    Went to Harbor Freight today to use my discount and buy a Predator 9k invertor. Dude at the counter says uh, yeah, so, hmm, we don't have this in stock. I say huh? There's one on display and here's the pull tag? He says they can't sell them in California now. Wait, what? He says they have the...