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  1. L.R.S.

    2016 Yamaha YXZ1000R turbo

    SOLD, a year ago.
  2. L.R.S.

    Ritchie Performance Group - Shop Update

    Stoked for you man! Lookin forward to bringing you transaxles soon.
  3. L.R.S.

    How long since your last ticket? how many times have you talked your way out of one?

    Probably been 20 years since I've had a moving violation ticket. Had a few parking tickets. I've talked my way out of countless tickets for speeding. Driving 75 mph south on the 86 near Westmoreland, got lit up by CHP headed north. Cop walks up and says he had rolling radar. Told him I...
  4. L.R.S.

    It's Saturday Jan 25th 2025.. What is everyone doing this weekend?

    Finished prepping this Potter Productions car for a client that lives in Hawaii but has a second home in Yuma. Delivering it to Yuma tomorrow morning then head to Phoenix to start transporting clients cars from Barret-Jackson to Los Angeles. I'll be running from Phoenix to LA and back through...
  5. L.R.S.

    Starlink ain’t cheap but works good.

    First season having Starlink for Glamis. Makes running my business so much easier.
  6. L.R.S.

    WAKE UP CA residents!

    Everywhere else sucks but California.
  7. L.R.S.

    Particle Separator?

    Separate you from your $$. That's about it.
  8. L.R.S.

    STOLEN from Palm Desert area

    Feel for Ronnie. Hopefully it's recovered, or it was insured.
  9. L.R.S.

    Bad rv fire tonight. Pad 2

    Passed by it this morning. So sad.
  10. L.R.S.

    So. Is everyone ok over here???

    100% bullshit. Why would anyone drive from Oregon to LA and go through San Francisco? Really, the 101? No, you'd take the I-5 or 99. I've seen 10+ videos of dudes on IG filming themselves talking about this. Guess what I haven't seen? A video of 60 fire trucks being held up anywhere. All lies...
  11. L.R.S.

    Bad rv fire tonight. Pad 2

  12. L.R.S.

    It's Saturday Jan 11th 2025.. What is everyone doing this weekend?

    Packed up camp in Glamis today and brought my sons Tatum and quad home. Going back tomorrow to bring my RV back to San Dimas so my Mom can use it while she's not allowed back in her neighborhood.
  13. L.R.S.

    So. Is everyone ok over here???

    This is the view from my mom's front yard. My brother Dan and his son James are home and still putting out spot fires. The National Guard is in the area and keeping people from entering the neighborhood. My brother's wife wasn't allowed to go to her house. Water has been restored for now...
  14. L.R.S.

    So. Is everyone ok over here???

    I talked to my youngest brother for an hour this morning and he gave me a rundown of what happened. Both my younger brother are LAFD, one a Captain and one an Engineer. My brother Dan (Captain) was on the Sylmar fire and Matt was off. Dan lives next door to our Mom in Altadena. My nephew called...
  15. L.R.S.

    So. Is everyone ok over here???

    Ha! Good call man. He was out the other day and I gave him some leaves.
  16. L.R.S.

    Trudeau Resigns

    Good. Now do Newsom.
  17. L.R.S.

    So. Is everyone ok over here???

    This one hits home. My mom lives in Altadena and every house on her block has burned down, except hers and my brothers. Unfuckingbelievable. I'm in Glamis with my kids for a wedding and we are watching the news coverage on her street. My house in La Crescenta is under mandatory evacuation and I...
  18. L.R.S.

    My faith in humanity has been restored - what would you do ?

    Not the sellers problem. Dick move to threaten him with small claims. I had a client take me to small claims court last year. He lost the case, I lost half a day I could have been wrenching on stuff.
  19. L.R.S.

    Wide body stackers

    Really like the In Tech I'm transporting today. Funco drives right in/out. I'd guess they're all built to order due to so many options and buyers requirements.
  20. L.R.S.

    Sta-Flo Starch has been discontinued!! What is every one using now???

    This stuff is awesome. 2 quarts per paddle and one quart for razors.