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  1. Cookie

    Camp Lights

    I bought directly from Devo. I went back and checked my order, it was Lightranger 1200
  2. Cookie

    Morgan Motorsports Lake Havasu

    Morgan Motorsports in a class above most other companies. Love their Customer Service and their focus on details.
  3. Cookie

    Camp Lights

    no idea, I thought there was only one choice when I bought it a year ago....
  4. Cookie

    Camp Lights

    I used Devo lights all last season, they work well. They have 3 different settings. Rechargeable as well. USB cable that can attach to a Cigarette lighter adapter like a phone. At full power, it last 4 hour or more. I wouldn't hesitate buying another one, I use mine to see when cooking as well.
  5. Cookie

    Happy birthday Funco4me

    Happy Birthday, glad you stopped by for a bit
  6. Cookie

    Speed UTV

    This thread from the beginning was always for entertainment value (thus the reason "off the side"). There is another thread that was supposed to be true serious thread. But a few people took this thread to heart and left I think most people on this thread want to see the cars have...
  7. Cookie

    Don't buy the BS - CA SB 708

    They were stupid when they discontinued the red sticker program, no idea why they would turn off all that free money.
  8. Cookie

    What tire psi for the sand?

    On a Funco Gen 4, Honda powered. Baja Pros up front with Bead locks, 6lbs. Rear on 15" paddles, run 12-15lbs.
  9. Cookie

    SSSS 2024 thread

    I went Friday night, wasn't too crowded at all, no wagons busting my ankles, so that was a win. Went by to see @HozayKwarvo, he was being interviewed but met Grease Monkey for the first time and donated a little to the cause. Spent time with the Funco family, such an amazing group of people...
  10. Cookie


    Pretty remarkable that it has never been done. Now he needs to hit in the clutch in the playoffs to really solidify is spot in the HOF.
  11. Cookie

    Safety in todays OHV Community

    I won't ride my two-wheeler in a lot of places now due to the SxS racers that think they are in a race. Pretty much the only two places I will ride anymore is Kennedy Meadows and some parts of Johnson Valley (ridges).
  12. Cookie

    Safety in todays OHV Community

    The peeps in Sedona would be my guess.
  13. Cookie

    Honda tune up

    Maybe @John@Outfront can. He has done a few Hondas
  14. Cookie

    Exploding pagers in Lebanon

    overheat the lithium batteries could do damage?? Either way impressive hits on them
  15. Cookie

    Def getting closer to dune season Banda playing 5 houses down...

    The only reason I come home on the 31st is the fireworks.........and rather be hungover at home :)
  16. Cookie

    Lincoln, Reagan, JFK and Trump.

    wasn't JFK a Democrat? He beat out Republican candidate Nixon in 1960.
  17. Cookie

    Sept 11th

    I was glued to the TV and this site that day as well. A day when nobody knew what to do, but mourn.
  18. Cookie

    fires near lake Elsinore

    me too, very weird to see black leaves on the ground.
  19. Cookie

    Another reason why so many people are over weight in the US

    The culture around the Mediterranean teaches you to shop for your food daily or even every other day. In the US, we go shopping weekly, thus we have preservatives in almost everything. Heck we are the only country that refrigerates our eggs, because we wash a protective film off of them before...
  20. Cookie

    Trip report to Kennedy Meadows

    The Landing strip goes way back into the 1930's I think. They used to fly people from Lone Pine to fish back there. Before they closed the Golden Trout area, very good fly fishing back in the day. We always used to camp at Troy Meadows Overflow, but it has been closed for years now. So now we...