Search results

  1. Pennywise

    Toyhauler flooring? What have you done?

    I took a 5th wheel Toyhauler in on trade. The flooring is a little hammered and before I list it for sale I want to spruce it up. Looking to see what works in a toyhauler. The Lifeproof stuff looks nice but not sure it'll hold up in toyhauler garage. I can always do coin floor but I'm thinking...
  2. Pennywise

    Douglas rears wheels 15x12 black

    I have a set of Douglas billet center Beadlock wheels 15x12 powder coated black 3.5” BS  $850 obo  (new they are $520 & hard to get) 
  3. Pennywise

    WTB Douglass 17x12 beadlock 3.5BS

    Looking for a set of Douglas 17x12 beadlock wheels 3.5 BS I have a set of 15x12 powder coated black possible trade + cash if someone is looking to move to a 15" wheel 
  4. Pennywise

    CBM, Redline, Turnkey, Or?

    Jason built me a Alper 402  for my SCU Honda to LS swap. The motor was a beast, by far the most fun I’ve had in a V8 car.    Can’t wait to get the 440 with 4.0 he’s building. 
  5. Pennywise

    Northstar to LS3 Swap - Any issues?

    The LS3 is longer, your water pump is on the back of the motor & LS3 is in the front so you have to allow room for water lines too  
  6. Pennywise

    A buddy's TT car ran a little lean ...

    Ed is fast for sure, he blew that intake apart his new intake is a work of art. 
  7. Pennywise


  8. Pennywise

    G52 update

    I did have to drop off the hustler I picked up for the season to get some work done 🙂 the hood is coming. 
  9. Pennywise

    Apple car play &

    Any way the apple car play default setting on the site can tuned off? Drives me nuts when I’m trying to drive, listen to music & surf
  10. Pennywise

    Glamis 911

  11. Pennywise

    ECU Tunes Outlawed in California

    Saw one of these on check points in Anaheim, they were scanning plates as you drove up. I'm assuming they have certain cars flagged in the system. Meanwhile you can smoke crack & poop on the streets of LA with impunity. Great job California no wonder we rank last on the list in the US for...
  12. Pennywise

    WTB 20'x8.5' Carson Racer Box Trailer

    This guy has one, he wants to sell the car first but if you can talk him into $16K for the car I'll buy the car 🙂 and you can buy the trailer.
  13. Pennywise

    WTB Honda Fat Cat

    Looking for a Honda fat cat or 2, message me or text 714-420-4331 
  14. Pennywise

    Year: 2013 Make: Universal Trailers Model: 26’ Enclosed Cargo Trailer

    That’s a deal, replacement is $20k these days
  15. Pennywise

    Drum & pump $450

    55 gallon drum and 12V pump with meter.  $450  Alex 714-420-4331
  16. Pennywise

    Aluminum ramps 14”x48” heavy duty

    Pair of heavy duty 14” wide x 48” long 3” thick heavy duty ramps  $300 obo  Alex 714-420-4331
  17. Pennywise

    Sand car Flat bed wanted... and/or 22-24ft stacker???

    I’ve got one I was going to list. It’s 22’ deck over, winch, 2 spares, aluminum ramps, power jack, led lights, led loading lights, led back up lights. Had it built last year and used it a few times but don’t really need it.    $8500 
  18. Pennywise

    SOLD 2001 Bounder 39Z $28k

    2001 Bounder 39Z Cummings 5.9L Diesel Oman 7500w generator. The last 13 years this coach was owned by a commercial truck driver and meticulously maintained. Tires 3 years old & are in great shape. Always covered and parked on rubber mats. Everything works, coach is clean, full of fuel and...
  19. Pennywise

    Sand Limo Sandcars Gallery

    This started as a Sand Limo, Glamis King did the A-arm conversion & SU did the rear and re-power to Outfront Subi 2.5
  20. Pennywise

    Sand Cars Unlimited (SCU) Gallery

    Had 3 working on #4 