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  1. stonehenge

    Ghostly Adventures from Gecko

    RR estates has people on the payroll, meet several, had lengthy discussions with a few. Paid to watch the ghost camp, but legally it "is attended" Unfortunately there is no way around the 14 day rule, thankfully the leo's seldom play that card. And I have never seen it played with the...
  2. stonehenge

    Ghostly Adventures from Gecko

    Theft to some, but an insurance opportunity to most.  The few rigs I have learned about being "stolen" from a pad had very questionable circumstances involved and all had incredibly high insurance coverage. Just saying.  And trailers that have been dumped/dropped off, etc., have been moved...
  3. stonehenge

    Ghostly Adventures from Gecko

    I'm always with my stuff out here, of course I lock stuff up at night when I  go to sleep. But I have .357 reasons why they should go elsewhere to shop. And an extra 7.62 reasons just in case. But honestly since 1983 I have only had one situation. A couple of gentlemen in an older light blue...
  4. stonehenge

    Ghostly Adventures from Gecko

    Oh your 100% correct.  I don't think many will or have been towed. However cites have been written in the past, most ballers joke chuckle and pay the fine like a badge of honor. But the Leo's on occasion have made people pack up and vacate, again most ballers just move down the road or find a...
  5. stonehenge

    Ghostly Adventures from Gecko

    I agree with you.  But to all the happy whiners, if you roll out Friday night on a holiday and can't find a prime spot for you and your 40 friends on pad 4, don't worry, plenty of room in the washes.  Just look for the cloud of dust, but your river of tears will wash away all the unpleasantness.
  6. stonehenge

    Ghostly Adventures from Gecko

    Unfortunately it's not fake. 
  7. stonehenge

    Ghostly Adventures from Gecko

    And you wonder why all the cry babies over on fb Glamis pages whine so f-n much about this subject. I will admit, last season it got a tad outa hand out here. I only did 99 days that season, but saw some pretty flagrant acts of unattended rigs.  I was very surprised to see tags at RR estates...
  8. stonehenge

    Speed UTV

    :chummin:   is 🏳️‍🌈
  9. stonehenge

    Speed UTV

    Might have been a little premature me posting that, but it turns out RG's unicorns are washing machine safe!
  10. stonehenge

    Speed UTV

  11. stonehenge

    Speed UTV

    More donkey.
  12. stonehenge

    Speed UTV

    Test donkey?  I mean mule.
  13. stonehenge

    pretty nice ww

    I have a ww, and do enjoy my trailer.  Some folks have mixed emotions about the brand.  But just stumbled across this rig, very nice for a ww.
  14. stonehenge

    any blade runner 2049 fans?

    This entire crash totally reminded me of the "blackout 2022" from the movie.  lol