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  1. EmpirE231

    Ghostly Adventures from Gecko

    Hold up... we got a self admitted ghost camper... where’s the lynch mob LOL 
  2. EmpirE231

    Ghostly Adventures from Gecko

    Am I the only one that sees sarcasm in the two posts quoted above?
  3. EmpirE231

    Foggy windows

    There was a thread on the old forum with lots of contacts for people who repaired foggy RV windows.... but it's gone now. who have you used, and would you recommend them?  Socal area (Riverside) I have used auto glass boss before... but looking to use someone else. 
  4. EmpirE231

    How many leo's does it take to kill a dinosaur? (12)

    The BLM should get busy and go clean up all the trash @ olds...........
  5. EmpirE231

    Battery setup help

    Okay here is what fullriver wants for a charge profile Which according to fullriver... a magnum inverter should be set to AGM 2 battery type (which both currently are) from what I have read, each charger is capable of charging @ 100 amps.  per the fullriver manual... total charging current...
  6. EmpirE231

    Battery setup help

    So this is my new to me motorhome, and I am trying to figure our whether I already have problems with these highline AGM's that are about 2 years old. first off.... is this considered series or parallel? (this is the diagram on the door) #2  hard to tell from these pics... but it looks like...
  7. EmpirE231

    Show us your home away from home

    Same... the discovery was black, grey silver etc... which is the color I like all my stuff to be lol.  It is growing on me for sure, and definitely more practical for being in the desert... but am I just thinking this way because I'm getting old lol... ahhhh haha.  the old setup.
  8. EmpirE231

    Show us your home away from home

    Picking this up tomorrow... starting to get excited! I was not a fan of the colors, but they are starting to grow on me. sold our Discovery in June of this year... Looking forward to seeing how the cummins 450 does w/ the stacker (this was the only reason I sold the discovery) 
  9. EmpirE231

    Solar questions...

    I am trying to figure our the easiest way to have my motorhome, benefit from the solar on my trailer! some background: The trailer has 4 160w panels, with 4 lifeline batteries and a magnum inverter.  It is plenty of juice for the trailer to power the lights, air compressor etc, keeps the...
  10. EmpirE231

    LED recessed puck lights

    has anyone swapped their recessed puck lights to LED and had good luck with a certain brand?  Links would be great... I know amazon has tons of options. I'd like them to be dimmable, and looking for something in the "cool white" rage... which is not yellow, but at the same time doesn't look...
  11. EmpirE231

    All electric coaches & dry camping

    And it has 8 of these 
  12. EmpirE231

    All electric coaches & dry camping

    I am considering an all electric coach (always had propane before) and wanted some real world feedback on how bad this sucks, or does not suck in the desert / dry camping? The one I'm looking at currently has no solar... it has a residential fridge and electric stove.  This one does have 8 AGM...
  13. EmpirE231

    So who is the coward?

  14. EmpirE231


    Gonna try to make it out this year!
  15. EmpirE231

    veterans week dune report, we need to know?

    Tracks everywhere... but didn’t feel as rough as the last 2 seasons...  turnout at the ceremony looked bigger than ever.   
  16. EmpirE231

    Ghostly Adventures from Gecko

    saw some drone shots of the pads from yesterday and it looks pretty squared off coming in tomorrow morning and pulling through the middle of any 10' opening I can find.... since you can't save space and all that. 
  17. EmpirE231

    Ghostly Adventures from Gecko

    Prob a GD old timer that didn’t want to post under their regular screen name.  Either way.... tensions are high... people are fired up! I’m ready for a dune beer. 
  18. EmpirE231

    Ghostly Adventures from Gecko