Search results

  1. Greengo

    What's your favorite Funco?

    I personally like them all.  From old to new.  Dont own one yet but one day, for now I just enjoy all of @Grease Monkey pasts and presents :lol: Old school:  What I wanted when started thinking about buying a car Middle school: (Shoulda bought the grey hustler from grease) The v8 hustler was...
  2. Greengo

    Pictures......Let's See Them

    @Grease Monkey and I ran into this homo @ChEFF on a sunset ride :lol: .  If you pay close attention you'll see @Slappy is always riding with me.
  3. Greengo

    WTB fox 2.0 16" 350 Springs

    Like the title says.  Looking for some Fox 2.0 16" 350lbs springs.  Could also use a set of 12" 250lbs springs for same fox shock. I know I can buy new and don't have an issue with it but thought I would ask here first.  I'm in Oceanside. Appreciate it! Thanks!
  4. Greengo


    Its not just the kids.  I hired an older gentleman and he is lazier than a MF!!  Super sensitive, slow as f*ck at anything he does. Will go to HR for another co worker farting. Plus with the pandemic everyone wants to know what the hybrid options are for work, none MF'er we work with our...
  5. Greengo

    Old ATC 70

    73-74 are easier than the 78-85 in my opinion. Dont have to mess with intake tank clearing issues.  Being one of the only on here that has a 73 with a 125.  Spangler is the only company that I know of that sells the exhaust that runs thru the middle, believe they are about 160.   Clearly Im a...
  6. Greengo

    What's yore plans for this Memorial Weekend? 2021

    Should be receiving some updated air supply parts, get them installed have some cold ones and hopefully get this ole guy back on the road and clock some miles. :fof:
  7. Greengo

    Why does a chEFF need a lounge?

    Because its always "strap on Tuesday"
  8. Greengo

    Glamis sunsets

    Sunset, ripples and beer
  9. Greengo

    What quad are you riding??

    :lol:   just picked one up
  10. Greengo

    Air Time, Pics of Jumping your sandcar,

    Not of me but one of Mr. Outfront @John@Outfront