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  1. Greengo

    Since the old timers are showing up. Post up!!!

    Good ole tres regatta days...     Golf tourney with @Bansh88
  2. Greengo

    Since the old timers are showing up. Post up!!!

    This is too good!!  Have to do some diggin... Meet that @ChEFF guy once upon a time.  Bring back the morning after, hate Mondays but always loved seeing everyone's pics from their trip.
  3. Greengo

    Dash Pod cover WTB

    Checking to see if anyone who has done an update on their funco might have a dash pod cover left over from their build?  I would like to purchase!  Dont mind if color is different or may need some repairing. 4 gauge panel, picture attached. Thanks!
  4. Greengo

    Woods Mini Bike For Sale

    Those things are the hot shiat in LA right now.  Not surprised it went so fast Big ole carbs and pipes
  5. Greengo

    GEN4 Air Lift - show me your set up

    I really like the foot rest cover over the tank, looks clean!!  Got the ole nogging thinking... Got all my stuff to do this project on my Hustler.  I do air suspension on cars on the side, so im going a little different style. Big compressor, big tank, big PSI, switched and wireless remote and...
  6. Greengo

    Buggy Whips

    Looks like some of the china whips are coming with RCA.  No telling how well they are made or how they hold up.
  7. Greengo

    Happy Birthday Spize909

    Happy day of birth Jeff, miss yo silly azz
  8. Greengo

    New to me 2007 #25 Funco Hustler

    Well after many years of being allowed to drive and living through my knee grow @Grease Monkey and all his Funco's, the dream became a reality.  In the Funco family :shocker: This is the brother to his current car that just got the re-do other than power plant and trans.  We believe the car...
  9. Greengo

    ATC 70 Addiction / Involving the Family !

    Nice!!  Now come grab all this shiat and keep that employed :lol:  
  10. Greengo

    Happy birthday Stugots

    feliz cumpleaños randy
  11. Greengo

    Happy Birthday sndsamplr!

    HBD handsome
  12. Greengo

    Old ATC 70

    This thing still not done? Maaaan.....
  13. Greengo

    1985 Atc70

    Yeah, just cant ride them the way I used to before the crash. Have 2 and a fook ton of misc parts if your boy is interested.
  14. Greengo

    1985 Atc70

    Let me know.  Getting rid of the fleet and everything 70 related.
  15. Greengo

    Happy Birthday Greengo

    Thanks everyone!!
  16. Greengo

    WTB atc 70 axel

    I may know a guy.....but the axle comes with 2 bikes complete and one in pieces :lol:
  17. Greengo

    GD Street Cars

    Not my daily, more like weekend/summer cruiser but my baby before my babies.  My oldest will be 21 in Aug.  I built this car before he was born and actually brought him home from the hospital in it (when it had a roof)
  18. Greengo

    It's Saturday 10-23-21 What are you doing this weekend?

    Lincoln got caught out in the wild at a trunk n treat in Oside!  Had a great time with people I didn't even know.  Even though I was an odd ball at an Lowrider event still got tons of love.   Kinda like Glamis car guys have a lot in common without even knowing each other. 
  19. Greengo

    Lets talk balls...... CV balls, perverts

    I had blown a CV boot at the end of last season and went to prep the CV's for this season.  Knowing I was more than likely going to have to replace the CV that blew the boot. Sure as chit, star pitted all to crap.  No big, new 930 CV from Kartek on its way but while I was looking I noticed they...
  20. Greengo

    Happy Birthday Yarder

    Happy bday lil buddy.  :smokin: