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  1. W

    Where’s everyone off-roading this weekend?

    We're doing Oatman from Topock on Saturday, gonna hit up that new Gold Diggers saloon, thats off of Silvercreek.
  2. W

    Speed UTV

    I'm not here to spoon feed the haters.
  3. W

    Speed UTV

    There's a video of a 4 seater kicking Chupacabras ass at the drags. He posted a clip on IG.
  4. W

    San Felipe 2024 or bust!

    Dave, Whats the deal with the Morgan mods, success???
  5. W

    What do you do for work?

    I need a new outboard, or a powerhead, or a crank. Sounds like you might be able to help me
  6. W

    Speed UTV

    Dave and I picked up last year from SSSS, we are both low number cars. Like him, I'm happy with it, and have a good experience so far. Except for my picking up part. I have had a blown turbo, as did everyone with early cars, no engine issues, and it only get's hot if the windshield is on, and...
  7. W

    Speed UTV

    Injectors for sure they are doing
  8. W

    Speed Cars

    Jake says his roof does not work with the light bar.
  9. W

    Speed Cars

    Look up @theJakevelasco on the Instagram, he has a new roof scoop, with ducting back to the radiator, he's claiming it works with the windshield and no other mods. Tested in 100 degree weather.
  10. W

    Wiring diagram showing cutoff switch

    The car doesn't ground itself, it needs the ground from the battery to the Chassis to get things started. My main ground, goes from the battery, to my switch, then to the Chassis. Kill the switch, and there is zero ground to the entire car. Battery box and hold down have been thoroughly tested...
  11. W

    Wiring diagram showing cutoff switch

    It 100% shuts off 100% of the entire electrical system, there is Zero ground to the car, or any electrical when my key is turned.
  12. W

    Wiring diagram showing cutoff switch

    I wired my cut off switch in Baja to the ground, I turn it off, and pull the key, and there is literally zero ground to the car. I did it this way because I thought it might confuse the average thief.
  13. W

    Retired yet??

    Next April, I'm out.
  14. W

    Deckboat... what to buy??

    For the price point, I'd vote Placeraft, or whoever splashes the mold now. I've had this boat for 24 years, and she's been a great boat, dependable and will hurt some feelings.
  15. W

    What do ya run in the dirt?

    Exactly, that's my stomping grounds. Will be there full time next year. Are you out in the area?
  16. W

    What do ya run in the dirt?

    Well, I got my Baja, for the fast desert stuff. There was a build thread on here before the crash. In the background is my Rhino, that I'd really like to get rid of for CHEAP. For the slow crawling stuff, I have my TJ. For the longer Mexico trips, the wife prefers we use my truck. For racing...
  17. W

    It's Saturday July 13th 2024.. What is everyone doing this weekend?

    Just got home from delivering my new Cactus out in Topock. finalizing the pool fencing, and checking on the pool build. Now back home in Redondo Beach, and going to Chicken chit Bingo in San Pedro tomorrow for Sunday Funday.
  18. W

    2023 Ford Raptor take off wheels

    Take off wheels from my Raptor. 4 wheels, and 5 tires. Wheels are the beadlock capable wheels, which can be real beadlocks, once you buy the rings from Ford. Tires have a little less than 17K miles on them. No cuts, plugs, patches or scratches. 1 tire has zero miles on it (spare) 1000obo...