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  1. RiverDave


    Or like I said someone can buy that big Bertha sumbitch I put in here earlier and you could power the neighborhood and not have to listen to a generac.. shit it’s probably cheaper to run it then California electric rates.. at 100% output it uses 1/2 gallon of diesel an hour.. you won’t be...
  2. RiverDave

    Driving gloves?

    Ooohhhh.. great topic!!! MRC contacted me and said they have a bunch of new riding gloves that are basically unparalleled.. Who wants to test? And then we can give a set or two away for DOTM as well! RD
  3. RiverDave

    Reset needed.

    About 12 hours for me but if it’s in the middle of summer I’m down!
  4. RiverDave

    rzr chop

    I can tell you I spent my whole life off-roading out in Parker and surrounding areas.. never saw chatter bumps ever.. Some of the trails are so bad in havasu that people are actually setting up their suspension to deal with it rather than actual terrain. In my old canam at desert bash it...
  5. RiverDave

    This is BS

    You know I realize the internet is the internet and usually it’s a far cry from reality.. but are people really fucking with people’s rigs and doing this shit? RD
  6. RiverDave


    It went live right before I left for Mex! Got a few things coming this week and working on a ton more into the future!
  7. RiverDave

    Kawasaki KRX 4 in glamis.

    My old man used to say There’s street cars and there’s offroad cars.. if you try to make one do both you get one that isn’t good at either.. RIP.. Weirdly that applies to dirt cars and sand cars.. most the great sand cars I don’t think would last an afternoon where I live.. inversely most...
  8. RiverDave

    Sandos - Playa del Car

    Now at this point things got shitty.. (literally) In all the years I’ve been going to Mexico.. I’ve been bobbing and weaving but have never gotten the dreaded montezumas revenge. My daughter got it and I stayed up most the night with her.. and I felt terrible for her.. right up until my...
  9. RiverDave

    Sandos - Playa del Car

  10. RiverDave

    Sandos - Playa del Car

  11. RiverDave

    Sandos - Playa del Car

  12. RiverDave

    Sandos - Playa del Car

  13. RiverDave

    Sandos - Playa del Car

  14. RiverDave

    Sandos - Playa del Car

  15. RiverDave

    Sandos - Playa del Car

  16. RiverDave

    Sandos - Playa del Car

  17. RiverDave

    Sandos - Playa del Car

    Down here for a wedding.. about a 100 of us that are all friends and family etc..
  18. RiverDave

    Desert Bash - Lake Havasu city!! 2024

    Well I’m gonna be moving my mom to havasu and looking after her from here on out.. just not something I was expecting. RD
  19. RiverDave

    Any fusion 360 experts here ?

    I’m actually downloading this software as soon as I get home to start modeling things to make in my vf2.. problem is I don’t have anything to make right now.. lol RD
  20. RiverDave


    My big one is about as loud as my predator 3500’s.. granted I have the hospital muffler for it. RD