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  1. RiverDave

    Tucker Gott - Paramotor flight over glamis...

    I had never had any interest in them until I saw this video.. now I’m wondering if this is something I should look into and possibly buy! Looks like a ton of fun
  2. RiverDave

    Can you help me out?

    If anyone else is getting a lump of coal, let me know.. maybe we can get together and have a bbq or something. RD
  3. RiverDave

    Tucker Gott - Paramotor flight over glamis...

    I am really curious as to how he was able to achieve this camera angle.. ??
  4. RiverDave

    Racer Front Engine Sand Car - Why?

    I mean you could use as cushioned axel clamps but that would be even more intrusive? What would you use?
  5. RiverDave

    rzr chop

    I like this guy.. lol.
  6. RiverDave

    Congratulations to the DOTM

    Message sent!
  7. RiverDave


    Working on larger problems first then working towards smaller requests..
  8. RiverDave


    yikes.. someone had a good night
  9. Glamis Dunes gets a Mav R to build for Glamis!

    Glamis Dunes gets a Mav R to build for Glamis!

  10. RiverDave

    Reset needed.

    Lmao!! I plugged it in, had two more beers and a lot more posts before going to bed.
  11. RiverDave

    Reset needed.

    Well, pick a date sometime over the summer when the kids are out of school and the cheff might make the front page? lol
  12. RiverDave

    rzr chop

    It’s no different in the hardback
  13. RiverDave New Ownership Party

    Maybe he doesn’t like the cut of our jib? 🤪.
  14. RiverDave


    This is what I need!!
  15. RiverDave


    Does Cheff want to do an article on how to ruin lasagna? Lol RD
  16. Speed UTV cooling problem solved!

    Speed UTV cooling problem solved!

    This greatly reduces if not solved the cooling problem on the speed UTV with a factory windshield! Ranging from 400.00 self installed to 650 installed! *Editors note - recommends this product installed along with the oil cooler for overall best results!
  17. RiverDave

    This is BS

    No.. I meant more like winning through overwhelming force kinda thing. If theirs is loud my shit is louder.. if there’s shit is concert my shit is nuclear. lol. Eventually they give up and will come to an understanding.. than ya send in your intelligence guys to negotiate for tacos for...
  18. RiverDave

    Lucky day today

    Maybe I’m wrong here but I thought Friday the 13 involved Jason and a hockey mask? Not Chucky? I wikipedia’d the date.. actually some fascinating reading but nothing about the movies.. RD
  19. RiverDave

    Got back in to RC cars

    I’m so old I remember when the grasshopper and the optima were kinda the cars.. then the optima mid was “the shit!” Then the flat pan rc10 came out and pretty much killed everyone on the track.. no more crazy differentials and chain cs belt drives etc.. just a motor slapped to a pan. lol...
  20. RiverDave

    Any fusion 360 experts here ?

    I grew up machining and long before I was ole RiverDave I had an aerospace machine shop. When Obama downsized the military he basically took me out of biz because all I did was prototyping for weapons mfg’s.. actually that guy completely changed the trajectory of my life a couple times which...