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  1. RiverDave

    My faith in humanity has been restored - what would you do ?

    I’m not sure a check showing up after threat of a lawsuit would restore my faith in humanity.. That said it’s good he stepped up and did what most would consider the right thing. I sold an XP1000 awhile back to a friend and found out later that they drove it like 3 times locally before the...
  2. RiverDave

    Driving gloves?

    Everyone who pm’d me about the gloves will be shipped today! Also have a bunch of XS, S, M that I can send out!
  3. RiverDave's First Featured Vehicle! I give you "HellTaco!!"

    There’s quite a few up already!
  4. RiverDave

    Quad Duning Video

    I just showed my kids it and they loved it! My son wants a quad upgrade now.. 😳
  5. RiverDave

    Speed UTV

    I find it amusing that the haters always add a year.. They also fail to mention (over and over again) what it was the first year, to what it became the following year.. Which is where it should start.. RD
  6. RiverDave

    Speed UTV

    What did they mean by better suited for her? Just easier to see out of? the X3's you kinda lean back and you can't see what's in front of you. RD
  7. RiverDave

    Lincoln, Reagan, JFK and Trump.

    Uh.. Where did you get the information that the guy that shot trump was a republican? Because I've heard the opposite. RD
  8. RiverDave's First Featured Vehicle! I give you "HellTaco!!"

    I got a couple bad ass builds from Tyler C... I love the hellcat swap though, it's super bad ass. RD
  9. RiverDave

    Recreational Helmet Use in the Dunes

    I have never worn one before.. But you are saying you can move your neck side to side now? RD
  10. RiverDave

    Recreational Helmet Use in the Dunes

    I get it for some of these guys at the drags that are running these crazy speeds.. but I would think the ability to move your neck and look around for "traditional" duning and off-roading would offset the benefit of the neck restraint just so you can see others around you and not just the tunnel...
  11. RiverDave's First Featured Vehicle! I give you "HellTaco!!" Click the link above for pics and specs! A Hellcat swapped Tacoma that rips in the dirt and in the sand!! One incredible build.
  12. HELLTACO - A Tacoma with a Hellcat Swap by MESO Customs!

    HELLTACO - A Tacoma with a Hellcat Swap by MESO Customs!

    HELLTACO BUILT BY: Stellar Built and MESO customs Owner Name: Stew Gibbs Photography : Tyler Cates For first featured vehicle How about a Hellcat swapped Tacoma that rips both dirt and sand!! We give you "HellTaco!!" ENGINE: 6.2L Dodge HellCat engine Custom solid motor...
  13. RiverDave

    Motorhome & Enclosed or 5th wheel and why?

    Wife looks at me the other day and says you think we should get a fifth wheel? 😳 Other than a little bumper pull 21’ fleetwood nitrous I have never owned a tow behind rv.. I asked her what prompted this question and she liked the newer nicer interiors in some of our friends trailers...
  14. RiverDave

    Balloon fest this weekend!

    I haven't... the heights etc wouldn't bother me so much as it's freezing balls out here when they do it, and it's even colder up there.. LOL RD
  15. RiverDave

    Balloon fest this weekend!

    I’m gonna miss it this weekend but it’s pretty rad to see them every am all week
  16. RiverDave

    Everybody Ready?

    That’s about the truth.. lol. Time to get back to the grind.. RD
  17. RiverDave

    Other people’s money

    Even if you redistributed all of it the same guys would get it all back quickly.. it’s a mindset and something they are born with.. RD
  18. RiverDave

    Sta-Flo Starch has been discontinued!! What is every one using now???

    Are you using this to help seal the tire to the rim? Or what is the purpose of this?
  19. RiverDave

    85? 100? Or crf150?

    I don’t think you can go wrong with the Honda personally. I had a xr80 & Xr 100 and loved both
  20. RiverDave


    I’ll see if @Devious Chris is heading out that weekend he’s got a younger child. I’m kinda strung up on any trips until I get my mom moved to Havasu