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  1. RiverDave

    who all lives in Havasu?

    I figured.. that page is out of control with the bs on there. RD
  2. RiverDave

    Let's talk life insurance

    On social media I am always seeing these videos that you can take a life insurance policy and get the benefits up front for investment purposes.. I have never really looked into it but I see the videos enough that there has to be something there.. anyone have any experience with that? RD
  3. RiverDave

    Trump's First Week Back

    A deterrent to what specifically? The moral decay of America?
  4. RiverDave

    What movie are you watching now?

    Fear the walking dead started great but the last season sucked ass.. went woke and just downhill quickly.
  5. RiverDave

    Trump's First Week Back

    I agree that country club prisons are bullshit.. that said most prisons aren’t like that. Moral decay comes from a variety of things that are compounded but I would basically attribute most of it to the lack of a traditional family unit in America mostly. My point above about lack of...
  6. RiverDave

    Trump's First Week Back

    Well I guess it depends on who what why when where right? If your the gardener that I grew up with that worked his ass all day for 40.00 and a lunch.. I’m not sure he should end up there.. lol. That said I’m not sure I want our tax dollars paying for their imprisonment anyways.. drop em...
  7. RiverDave

    Midair Collision - DC - American Airlines and Blackhawk

    Agreed.. it just fans the flames of descent..
  8. RiverDave

    who all lives in Havasu?

    I didn’t get back from Algodones in time to go but I’m for sure gonna hit it up next Tuesday. Not sure if you saw the orchids and onions on Facebook regarding Tuesday @cali kid but ya might want to look into that. RD
  9. RiverDave

    Trump's First Week Back

    I’m not sure I understand the point of sending the illegals to Guantanamo? Unless they are doing hard time for something? I’d think just bouncing them to the country of origin would be more effective.. While I’m die hard Trump he could have been a lot more tactful regarding the plane...
  10. RiverDave

    Midair Collision - DC - American Airlines and Blackhawk

    It really is crazy with all the modern day collision avoidance etc? A B1 bomber crashed as well? WTF?
  11. RiverDave

    Driving gloves?

    the rest shipped today! Looking forward to seeing some Pics and reviews!
  12. RiverDave

    Driving gloves?

    The balance of gloves from additional pms are going out today!
  13. RiverDave

    Let's talk life insurance

    Going up 400 a month? What do you pay currently?
  14. RiverDave

    who all lives in Havasu?

    First I have heard of it I’ll check it out today!
  15. RiverDave

    who all lives in Havasu?

    When did this start?
  16. RiverDave

    Soros Or Sore Arse.

    yes it is... also a huge political donor and shifter of markets among smaller countries. A lot of the liberal policies across America are literally a direct reflection of him. He figured out awhile back that you get a lot of "bang for your buck" when you support smaller candidates like...
  17. RiverDave

    Happy Birthday Grease Monkey

    Happy belated bday!
  18. RiverDave

    who all lives in Havasu?

    Whoopsie.. sorry been a little out of it lately
  19. RiverDave

    who all lives in Havasu?

    Thinking about doing a little SXS / Offroad Meetup once a week over at my friends restaurant "Foundry". RD
  20. RiverDave

    New Executive Order Affects Glamis

    Wouldn't you kind of expect that in a lower #'d wash? RD