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  1. RiverDave

    Stopped by R3 fabrication! (Shop Tour)

    Next to that is an R3 4 seater / dual sport! The blank cage will be the twin to this car.
  2. RiverDave

    Stopped by R3 fabrication! (Shop Tour)

    Inside he had his personal R1 that is getting prepped for the next race as well!
  3. RiverDave

    Stopped by R3 fabrication! (Shop Tour)

    So last week I had an opportunity to meet up with Chris Redden from R3 fabrication to check out what’s going on at his shop. The videos will be ready in the next few days but here’s the pics! Out front he had a racer engineering car that is currently being prepped for the 400!
  4. RiverDave

    A dealer sold me a "deleted" truck.

    I’d register it in an LLc out of Montana or AZ or NV
  5. RiverDave

    I never thought I would say this

    Flat lake beds you wouldn’t feel it as much because the car will drift around.. on pavement you could feel the car getting “light” in the low 80’s.. just gave me a real comfort feeling and I decided it wasn’t in my best interest to keep it up lol. In my speed 70+ feels like your...
  6. RiverDave

    USA to take over the Gaza Strip

    Since Musk was brought up do any of you left wing types support this stuff? You don’t care this is your money?
  7. RiverDave

    New Harness setup

    There’s no way I’d run it like that.. as others said in any kinda violent crash it’s gonna compress your spine I’d return the seats and look for something else?
  8. RiverDave

    USA to take over the Gaza Strip

    Zero security clearance? He owns space x? As far as oversight he IS THE OVERSIGHT! Have you guys been paying attention to the stuff they are funding that they are using our money for?? That’s what is insane RD
  9. RiverDave

    New Harness setup

    How much higher is the seat base than original? Can you lower the seat? It looks like it’s quite a bit taller? only option I can think of would be to maybe weld another bar to that cross bar that is higher? Even that is kinda “meh” though RD
  10. RiverDave

    I never thought I would say this

    I had an X3 on 34’s that I ran down the highway at 84-85 mph once…. It got spooky to say the least.. I will say in my speed 80’ish mph isn’t scary at all and I’m assuming the new Mac r’s are the same way.. With regard to the original post if you wad a trophy truck at 120 you are taking...
  11. RiverDave

    USA to take over the Gaza Strip

    Well I think the fact they are putting out daily reports of waste they are finding might mean he’s looking at waste? RD
  12. RiverDave

    USA to take over the Gaza Strip

    I think this is a huge mistake.. and I’m not even sure how it’s legal or possible? What is the people say they don’t want to leave?
  13. RiverDave

    I never thought I would say this

    But how fast is too fast? If for some reason, you can’t see the video it’s a new NVR running 120 miles an hour.. 😳 I can’t imagine how many people are gonna get killed in these new generation a side-by-side that all of them literally run above 80 without breaking a sweat. And 80 miles an...
  14. RiverDave

    Latin Lover Sighting!

    What M I watching?
  15. RiverDave

    January DOTM Nominations

    I’d need to read some threads to do that.. I am now just getting caught up in life and get back into mode
  16. RiverDave

    January DOTM Nominations

    I’m finally getting caught up And need to send a few of these out..
  17. RiverDave

    A question for SXS owners

    With the speed it takes awhile for it to warm up and it will be in a reduced (severely) power mode until it does.. that said I only do it for like five minutes. I have neighbors that will let them idle for like 45 minutes.. lol. I don’t know why they do it? Headsets is because I’m listening...
  18. RiverDave

    Trump's First Week Back

    Well most of that starts in the home.. lol. But that’s a pretty broad question for a pretty specific response.. A good start would be actually enforcing the laws that we have.. but an even better start would be two years mandatory in the service for our youth. RD
  19. RiverDave

    who all lives in Havasu?

  20. RiverDave

    Wide body stackers

    Horizon always has one or two in stock here in Havasu. If you would consider used there is a 2006 on the toysyndicate right now.. for 35k