Search results

  1. J

    left over race fuel

    How do you guys safely mix 110 to your 87 gas to run in your car/truck?  Ive got about 10 gallons to use up since Im pretty much done with the season. thanks
  2. J

    Bleeding cutting brakes

    Search on this forum as well as internet has provided little info.  MC went out on CNC brake peddle and rebuilt it with parts from Kartek.  Wilwood 4 pistons in the back (no front brakes) and used vaccuum AND old fashioned way to get all air out.  I can get solid build up of pressure then when I...
  3. J

    Eternabond first or after seal

    Gonna lay Flex seal on roof of toy hauler.  Should I lay down the FS first then EBond since FS wont adhere to it?  Or lay Ebond down then FS right up to the edges of tape?
  4. J

    What 12v fuel transfer pump you guys use for 5-10 gallon tanks?

    Ive got 5 gallons and a 22 gallon tank in my pickup truck for the toys fuel needs.  Have a heavy duty hand pump but its big and bulky so I would like to simplify and see what you guys recommend.  TIA
  5. J

    Glamis towing 2023/24

    I did not make the Sancho this year so was wondering who is providing towing memberships etc this season?  Heard different reports from Glamis 911 last year are they even around still?
  6. J

    Recession...wait a little longer to get home flooring done?

    Some say the R is here and some say its just started.  But was wondering is it best to wait a while to get my carpet replaced with vinyl flooring in my home.  I understand during hard times it will force many home owners to put off any major projects due to the unknown.  But is it going to cost...
  7. J

    Best alternative to replace Turbo Subi 2.5

    So the Scrooge took away my job last Christmas.  My motor was already at Outfront when I had to tell John to stop everything with the repairs we had planned.  My season is done anyways, so I was wondering what options you gents recommend?  I have one trip on my rebuilt 091 from Dave Folts before...
  8. J

    2015 RZR 1000 engine swap to 2016+ Turbo

    asking for my brother in law.  He needs a damn turbo but wont drop the major coin on an aftermarket turbo kit.   Saw a facebook group for totaled RZR for sale and was wondering if the motor is basically same as non turbo 1000.  Would even be possible to buy a motor/turbo off lets say a lawn...
  9. J

    Glamis 911 or other tow service experience?

    Knock on wood have not needed it.  But read a few posts here and fb that Glamis 911 could take several hours, 24 hours and beyond to get to you.  What about other towing options?  I get it nobody wants to pull a SXS or even worse a V8 sand rail out due to damage to tranny.  But breaks happen...
  10. J

    Wash 6 experience 10/22 takes the cake!

    Dumb me listened to my sons to camp at wash 4 Thurs night.  Mistake!  Party circle down a little blasting music till 4:30 AM AND looked out cause of course cant sleep and those Effers are in there RV/Trailers sleeping and left the music full blast!  Packed up at crack of dawn moved to wash 6/7 ...
  11. J

    TH 100w Solar Panel Question

    Hardly inside the TH when camping cause we are riding and hanging out 90% of the day.  So I purchased Renovo 100W Panel and same brand controller along with a 900w converter.  I only need it to keep 2 deep cell 12v charged and on occasion turn on TV or Laptop or cell phone charging station on ...
  12. J

    New Polaris Pro R

    Ive not seen one in person but first thing that came to my mind with that roof cage is this....
  13. J

    Flooring Upgrade in TH

    Looking to lay some vinyl flooring before season starts.  Was wondering for those in the know, should I lay the new floor on top of the old vinyl?  Old stuff is in good condition just old lol.
  14. J

    HELP Pulling Subi 2.5 from 091

    Got everything visually disconnected from motor.  Pulled the 4 bolts from plate/091 to motor and am able to pull the motor clear from plate about 1" and thats it!  I have a jack under the oil pan and my 2 sons and I are trying to wiggle it off and no luck.  I tried pulling clutch in but that...
  15. J

    CCW folks

    Have had my CCW for over 8 years now and during 1st training and every subsequent training, the LEO remind you not to "paint" or wear clothing as not to show other you are carrying.  I've always took that into consideration when carrying and wear enough clothing to not show.  My LEO friends and...
  16. J

    tips subi/trans removal

    Need tips on how to get my motor transaxle out so I can have the tran gone through.  Then I would put everything back in and take it to Outfront for tuning.  My big question is I cant get a motor lift attached since the intercooler/radiator/panels are in the way.  Am I right to just slide the...
  17. J

    Super Show Sand Swap Meet 5/22 worth going?

    Already have my sons Birthday Golf TTime at 230PM.  But thought I'd go early to the show but never been.  Only go to the real show in Sept. Not that I need anything really but for those who have been, whats the deals there?
  18. J

    Help 091 to 2D swap

    Before I take the plunge i could use some guidance.  Those that have done it, what will I need aside from new clutch plates to go from my 091 to a 2D?  
  19. J

    Anyone upgrading from Mend 2D this off season?

    IM in the hunt for a good Medeola 2D so you or someone you may know is now ready to ugrade from their current 2d please message me.  Its a nice to have option for me to get rid of my perfectly running 091 but for the right price I would do it. My motor is only a 2.5 subaru 