Search results

  1. Kraut_n_Rice

    New ECU and Harness Wiring

    What does your Output table look like?
  2. Kraut_n_Rice

    New ECU and Harness Wiring

    Make the CAC fan its own output..
  3. Kraut_n_Rice

    New ECU and Harness Wiring

    Which ECU are you running? 450, 550, 600..
  4. Kraut_n_Rice

    Got a new sumptin sumptin to build

    I went 450BM when picking a big bore. At the time, it was considerably cheaper to shoot.
  5. Kraut_n_Rice

    Glamis Postal needed. West PHX to Parker

    Need to get a 4"x12' tube of boat rub rail from Peoria to Parker area. Let me know if anybody has some floor space to spare going that way! THX
  6. Kraut_n_Rice

    LS3 Cutting out at Full Throttle

    If the bright green is your TPS, it's a disaster..
  7. Kraut_n_Rice

    Mr President

    See the part in blue? Work on that. The parts of AZ that are blue are Rez land and shithole Tucson (Pima county). Beelzebub will serve snowcones before either of them change.
  8. Kraut_n_Rice

    Speed UTV

    Come off a whoop and unload the suspension kinda power?
  9. Kraut_n_Rice

    Mr President

    Yeah, Hawaii is as blue as it gets, all of it. Sucks, as my two younger brothers live there. The other 49 however...
  10. Kraut_n_Rice

    Mr President

    Uh, ya missed a couple..
  11. Kraut_n_Rice

    Mr President

    Like anybody that got railroaded by J6..
  12. Kraut_n_Rice

    Boat wiring cost

    No gauges. Has a Holley display.
  13. Kraut_n_Rice

    Boat wiring cost

    It's not my boat. I'm just doing the work. I'll be wiring everything but the engine. Another guy is handling all the engine loom.
  14. Kraut_n_Rice

    Boat wiring cost

    Obviously the is a broad spectrum topic... But...what would a general cost be 20'ish foot V-drive boat. It will be FI on Holley, but that wouldn't be handling that part specifically, tapping into it to make it work only. Every other function of the boat would be otherwise. Bilge, blower...
  15. Kraut_n_Rice

    The official Honda Thread

    It is very common for the IAC to get shit in it and get stuck open. Cleaning it sometimes works. They are available in the aftermarket.
  16. Kraut_n_Rice

    Losing a good friend. Taps to Coobie.

    Well, shit. I never met the guy, but I feel for his family For the peeps that are "I just talked to him". I lost a friend a couple years ago whom I was messaging probably an hour before he hung himself. He was sharing pics of steaks he had on the grill, and other random BS. All was good...
  17. Kraut_n_Rice

    Got daughters?

    Daughters? Kids in you life in general. I don't have any kids. My wife has two adult children that are assholes and never come around. I do have nieces and nephews though. They're awesome. Sucks for me they all live on Maui. Expensive to see the boogers...
  18. Kraut_n_Rice


    Meh, my Friday sucked..
  19. Kraut_n_Rice

    Correct term?

    I'll add a tid bit more. IMO, the two most experienced people in the group should ride, Lead, and clean up(last). They can arm wrestle over who goes where. I used to ride with a group that consisted of mostly quads and a couple V8 buggies. They always wanted me to lead on my
  20. Kraut_n_Rice

    LLC info

    I know there used to be a bunch of threads on the old board that mostly pertained to skating registrations and insurance fees suggesting Montana.... But, if a guy wanted one for small business type stuff, what would be the best route? I'm in AZ, but if it's easier/cheaper to do it out of state...