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  1. Kraut_n_Rice

    Clutch problems suck

    Is it an option?
  2. Kraut_n_Rice

    Clutch problems suck

    Do you cut timing on the shift?
  3. Kraut_n_Rice

    Speed UTV

    In one of the last videos he was going on and on about how they had a beefed up exhaust manifold they make and keep on the shelf. Then went on to say how they don't have any problems....oh, is that why Joe is making/stocking custom parts?
  4. Kraut_n_Rice

    Fur babies. You have them. Lets see'em!

    Had to put my other big guy down tonight. He was getting old and cranky. Doc thinks he may have had cancer in an elbow that caused a lot of pain...he was on meds tho. Snapped at the boss while she was trying to take a selfie with him and caught her in the cheek. Sorry buddy, we can't do...
  5. Kraut_n_Rice

    JD'S Memes

    That truck had a rough ten years.
  6. Kraut_n_Rice

    The official Honda Thread

    Helped a guy with a similar issue once. He was convinced it was the ECU, so I sold him one. Problem went away...
  7. Kraut_n_Rice

    What's your opinion/take on the efforts of DOGE?

    They aren't listed as dead.
  8. Kraut_n_Rice

    Someone is having a bad day at vendors

    I saw a post on IG where a guy was dragging a large trailer loaded with solar panels way from the engulfed rigs. Guessing they were plugged into it.
  9. Kraut_n_Rice

    Someone is having a bad day at vendors

    No aftermath pics?
  10. Kraut_n_Rice

    Someone is having a bad day at vendors

    Ouch. That won't buff... Hope no pets were inside.
  11. Kraut_n_Rice

    I never thought I would say this

    Didn't Suzuki/Kawi/Honda do this with big sport bikes? Handshake agreement that XXXmph was fast enough....
  12. Kraut_n_Rice

    Time Delay Relay - Anyone use them?

    Used plenty, not that particular one though. Delay on or off are different models. One doesn't appear to do both. If you wire it the way you noted in your first sentence, you would need to put this on both circuits, OE and 180.
  13. Kraut_n_Rice

    Old School 2 Seat Alumicraft Rebuild

    Get the matte ones and paint them whatever color you want. Or, see if they’ll give you the model to have some printed
  14. Kraut_n_Rice

    Happy Birthday KingGlamis

    Happy bday Doug!
  15. Kraut_n_Rice

    King of the Hammers.... don't forget the King of the Hammers starts today.... with the king of the Motos FREE on Youtube.

    We camp between Hammertown and Back door. Easy access to trails, walk into town in the morning for a free Monster, watch the race of the day start, drop a duce, head out for the day...
  16. Kraut_n_Rice

    Trump On FEMA

    However....Feds have been know to step in (and F up the situation) when not called on. Many reports of this in the last few hurricane messes.
  17. Kraut_n_Rice


    Can't land? Declare and emergency and pull on in. Fuq'em.