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  1. Poule43

    best sale ad Eva

    You are 33K Shy of the current offer ESHO.........Move along :lol:
  2. Poule43

    How many Members actually still go to Glamis?

    Rest Up Buttercup !!!.....Take another season off ........dont push yourself !!!!  Maybe redo a few more closets with those nifty "storage solutions"........ stay away from the sand / Better for you that way ! :poule:
  3. Poule43

    Woods Mini Bike For Sale

    Matt No !!!! Stay Safe / you are in the middle of delegating a full on remodel ! we know what happens when you "engage" on these machines :poule:
  4. Poule43

    Come On Down !!!! This ATC could be yours !!!!!

    Classic / I say.......A Better Time in the World!!!! :poule:
  5. Poule43

    Woods Mini Bike For Sale  is the website to check out / I wish I would have known - I would have told you to post it there!   Bummer - that thing was awesome! Now go drink all that beer with your $$$$ ! :poule:
  6. Poule43

    Happy Birthday Sand Trap

    Happy B Day Wes / Hope you had a GREAT DAY BUDDY !!!!! :poule:
  7. Poule43

    RIP Jack Carter Rhoad, 30, and brothers Callum, 33, and Jake Robinson, 30

    This hits close to home / We had a one minute moment of scielence at last night lacrosse game. One of these guys was a coach for my son Seabass.. Prayers are with the families at this HORRIBLE and Difficult time! Jack Carter Rhoad, 30, and brothers Callum, 33, and Jake Robinson, 30, were...
  8. Poule43

    Classic Remake by Afroman ! Too Funny !!!!

    Classic Remake by Afroman !!!  " He Shoulda Let Hilary Bleach His Whole Hard Drive " - Afroman LOL
  9. Poule43

    Proud Dad Moment ! Gotta Share This one! Amazing Video from my Son !!!

    My son Sebastian and his Video Partner Tosh just won the Mother Load Award for the STN Program! What made it soo special is the kids that the story is about, his mom Maria works with everyday in the special ed program at CHS - WE ARE SOO PROUD OF HIM!!!!!!. These kids are IMCREDIBLE people and...
  10. Poule43

    Happy Birthday Spize909

    You coming down here to Oceanside ???
  11. Poule43

    In Memoriam

    RIP to my buddy Chad HOTRNHELL !! Miss hanging out him all the time. Life is WAY TOO SHORT !!!! The Good ones seem to go way too fast..... RIP Brother !!!! :poule:
  12. Poule43

    It's Saturday April 27th 2024.. What is everyone doing this weekend?

    Gotta play Catch Up today on chores and clean up. WILD night last night at the Lacrosse Senior Night Carlsbad Lancers VS San Marcos Knights for a huge Riverly for the Mid Evil Cup !!! Game was off the hook Carlsbad won 8-7.  My son Seabass scored 5 goals and was on FIRE!!!!! Time Flies!!! He is...
  13. Poule43

    Happy Birthday zilla68

    :cheers: Hope you had a great day !
  14. Poule43

    Buggy Whips

    I agree !!!  I run an old school buggy whip with the old school light and plastic dome with a 3x5 american flag i added a whip tab on the side with a whipsandcht blue led whip.with no flag just for night !!! Great Set up @Whipsandshyt  even have the led on the golf cart  great stuff !!!!! :poule:
  15. Poule43

    What To Do with those Race Ready Decals !!! Choooo Choooo !!!

    @Fullthrottleguy what are all these stickers I am giving out gonna end up ?????????  Well, My new Train Horn is 100% Representing !!!!! took an old POS Ryobe drill and made a new train Horn !!!!!!!  Loving It !!!!! Its LOUD, Portable and scares the begeezis out of people inside and Outside the...
  16. Poule43

    Happy Birthday Spize909

    Happy Birthday Buddy !!!! Enjoy the day :poule:
  17. Poule43

    A BBQ Dream is now a Reality / the ATC 70Q

    Almost killed me on those mean streets of Aliso Viejo ! maniac !!!! :poule:
  18. Poule43

    Race Ready Open House is Tomorrow!

    Alex hooked me up with a sweet hat too
  19. Poule43

    Race Ready Open House is Tomorrow!

    @Fullthrottleguy Thank You for the AWESOME hospitality today at the open house!!!  Pizza and Hot Dogs were good!!!! Wife and I had a great time!!! also, My son LOVES his new T shirt and so do I!!!! we will be geting all our stuff therefor the buggy. Great to have a shop with people I trust here...