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  1. Poule43

    Mac's Car Refresh

    You are going to have a BRAND NEW CAR @Mac / AWESOME!!!!! Great work with LOTS of fun for MANY YEARS!
  2. Poule43

    Duners Paradise, Someone needs to step up!

    I heard it SOLD
  3. Poule43

    New Brewery, close to the dunes Saint Anthony ID.

    Its not complicated on why.......You are an ABSOLUTE MENACE dressed in Raider Gear.....Drinking suspect Beer and causing a disturbance wherever you go.........Only people that can put up with you are union reps and socialists.......they seem to LOVE you!!!
  4. Poule43

    TCU - what the Hell is a Horned Frog ??

    For @ChEFF aaahhhh No ! For him it means Total Crazy Unhinged! I still wanna see this TCU set up outside the TCU arena this Fall - BBq going......cheerleaders bouncing around.....etc !!! this set up was BUILT FOR FUN !
  5. Poule43

    January DOTM nominations

    I nominate @ChEFF I did a tune up on one of his atc 70s for him (carb was plugged and just a complete mess)/ My wife sat outside with me and helped get it all nice and up to snuff.....she even polised the aluminium wheels !!!!! it looked awesome! Cheffwrote her the best THANK YOU NOTE and put a...
  6. Poule43

    New Yamaha generator EF3000IS

    GREAT Genny !!!! You scored !
  7. Poule43

    January DOTM Nominations

    I nominate @ChEFF I did a tune up on one of his atc 70s for him (carb was plugged and just a complete mess)/ My wife sat outside with me and helped get it all nice and up to snuff.....she even polised the aluminium wheels !!!!! it looked awesome! Cheffwrote her the best THANK YOU NOTE and put...
  8. Poule43

    Got back in to RC cars

    I also blame you - you lit the fuse and its been non stop selling off some - redoing others and adding the Bigger traxxas cars My wifes slash 2wd vw bug is soo fun! Glad You did it ! Im converting an scte to the db pro / tenacity !!! Looking forward to that !!!
  9. Poule43

    Got back in to RC cars

    I have been getting the small scale Cars / 2 RC18 Drift Cars Got them running and got the lipos bak bumped and recharging well / These things FLY !!!!! Also got the Losi Mini 8Ight running and saved 2 of the Venom Lipos back to life - I got the Mini 8ight axel dog bone repaired and it is a...
  10. Poule43

    Sandy Golf Tourney 3/22/25

    Fun Event !!!!
  11. Poule43

    Disaster avoided, Rzr 1000 Clutch Replacement

    Reminds me of a certain CV " Incident" :D PS: if you were not such a dipchit - this woula gone much smoother for your buddy - Go pick out some new decorative trim for you arts and crafts bench out in that "garage" of yours ! PS: Happy New Year !!!!!😬
  12. Poule43

    RIP John Sykes !

    The rock world is mourning the loss of guitar legend John Sykes, formerly of Thin Lizzy and Whitesnake. John Sykes passed away at the age of 65
  13. Poule43

    Got back in to RC cars

    I love the SC10 2WD Trucks! Just got done ripping mine thru the hood !!! INSANE FAST and soo much fun to drive !
  14. Poule43

    Been out of the game for a long time so looking for advice...

    SPEED UTV out in Havasu...Contact Robbie Gordon: Give it a little longer lead time (not too bad) but in the end you will own a sweet ride.
  15. Poule43

    Happy Birthday Grease Monkey

    Happy B Day Sir !!!!!
  16. Poule43

    Hell and back (literally).

    Never mind then / Don't Bother
  17. Poule43


    The looks on their faces were PRICELESS !!!!!
  18. Poule43

    Hell and back (literally).

    Carlsbad......daaam - Im in Carlsbad - Let me know when you are here next.....
  19. Poule43

    WAKE UP CA residents!

    NOW its the land of Fruits and Nuts !:cool:
  20. Poule43

    WAKE UP CA residents!

    California is soo Beautiful / I never thought Id consider leaving....Now, I wanna move to Idaho.....wife wants to stay....Its tough because San Diego is such a cool place but the Dems have reall affected the living conditions soo much....Its really sad to watch it detoriate