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  1. Poule43

    Racing Tonight Perris !!!!

    Even ATC 70 flat track Races. Pretty wild  Share Share
  2. Poule43

    A BBQ Dream is now a Reality / the ATC 70Q

    As I am told ALL the time / I need to TRY HARDER !!!!! :lmao:   OH, and in the future I wont try and flip you off of it I WILL JUST FLIP YOU OFF !!!!! :thefinger: :poule:
  3. Poule43

    I Want one !!!!

    This would be Awesome 
  4. Poule43

    Early Padre game today= BBQ

    I have a BBQ we can Use ! :poule:
  5. Poule43

    Happy Birthday Painter Joe

    Happy Birthday Buddy !!!!!! Hope you are well Mr GOD of the Paint!!!!!  STILL Love my Chargers Painter Joes Special !!! :poule:
  6. Poule43

    New ATC 70 BBQ Trailer / Glamis Grill !! ATC70Q

    I thought you were a realtor!  Sorry !!!
  7. Poule43

    A BBQ Dream is now a Reality / the ATC 70Q

    @matt86m It Really is / I love that trailer ! I am going to add spacers and widen the back 1.5 inches on each side! :poule:
  8. Poule43

    New ATC 70 BBQ Trailer / Glamis Grill !! ATC70Q

    Well, I am down to 1 Grill !!!!!  My buddy Sal spotted it off of the Heavy 70's post and was at my front door loading it on his truck !!!! I am Keeping the Blue one for my Glamis 5th wheel forever !!!!   I love that thing !!!!!  I went a bit over the top on some of the billet and stuff BUT its...
  9. Poule43

    New ATC 70 BBQ Trailer / Glamis Grill !! ATC70Q

    I have one that we can put your company Logo on the tank and use it at open houses ! :smile:   This way/ in the words of Kosmo Kramer....."You just Write it Off !!" :poule:
  10. Poule43

    New ATC 70 BBQ Trailer / Glamis Grill !! ATC70Q

    No, Just their operators sometimes !!!!!! :laugh1: :poule:
  11. Poule43

    New ATC 70 BBQ Trailer / Glamis Grill !! ATC70Q

    In the words of Ice Cube.................................................I Gotta Say it was a Good Day !!!!!
  12. Poule43

    Latest Trip, North of Vegas

    Breakfast today in Honor of the @dbart annual trip !!!!
  13. Poule43

    Latest Trip, North of Vegas

    This One !
  14. Poule43

    Happy Birthday Conrad

    Happy B Day Conrad !!! Hope you are out 3 wheeling ! :cheers: :poule:
  15. Poule43

    Atc 70 artwork- beautiful!

    Came in today Guy from England made it - he makes the flip seats and trailer hitch  Leigh Brunskill Shed Built Fab HUGE Shout Out !!!! :poule:
  16. Poule43

    Its Saturday April 6th 2024.. What are everyone's Plans for the weekend?

    Saw te SD seals last night with the family Paying bills this am - picked up a set of rims I traded w a buddy and had omf do a reenforcemebt ring on outside for the 250R also picked up my front wheel for my A+   looks sweet - the steel it coating works incredible for the rims and is easy to...
  17. Poule43

    Springsteen Rocked Tonight- Los Angeles

    Not sure when life became soo INSANE / Ticket prices were out of control.....I got a ticket behind the stage with an incredible view. As usual,.....I made a move early on and was able to get down below when security was on the the words of Mike Damone........"Soo Close to the...
  18. Poule43

    Springsteen Rocked Tonight- Los Angeles

    POLITICS ASIDE!!!! i am still a die hard fan ! Can’t help it Springsteen Was incredible tonight We are 21 songs In right now and no signs of ending the show  
  19. Poule43

    ATC 70 Addiction / Involving the Family !

    Here is the weird stuff !!
  20. Poule43

    ATC 70 Addiction / Involving the Family !

    She is ONE LUCKY WOMAN!!!! let me tell you!....She married a Super Model! That girl hit the jackpot......... :lol: :poule: