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  1. Chummin

    Since the old timers are showing up. Post up!!!

    How about new pics!!! Like from last night!! 
  2. Chummin

    It's Saturday Aug 17th 2024.. What is everyone doing this weekend?

    Eff me. @Bansh88 gave me sooo much crap to head to the dunes for the night.  Picked up trailer and paddles Friday night.  Put paddles on car and noticed they were backwards. 🙄 pulled them off and switched them. Meanwhile there was a metal flange on the hubs I took off. Figured it was for...
  3. Chummin

    Speed UTV

    Went out to G yesterday and last night.  Best sand in the world is right now. 
  4. Chummin

    Speed UTV

    Don’t disagree but I’m here now and car is working awesome.  Most people are butt hurt with Robbie and that’s fine.  Reality is this. 
  5. Chummin

    Speed UTV

    Car 62 here. This thread probably isn’t the best place to post. Too many haters. 
  6. Chummin

    Since the old timers are showing up. Post up!!!

    Was never any good with photoshop but this one I was proud. @HozayKwarvo on the box a number of years ago. 
  7. Chummin

    Older Derringer 45

    Kind of hoping someone can give me a rough value on this. Never been fired.  Some family arguments happening while in my possession and it’s dumb how people act when there is a death in the family.  I’ve only see it for around 600.  Is there anything special about it that I cannot find? 
  8. Chummin

    Since the old timers are showing up. Post up!!!

    Here is my version. Don’t think it’s the same year. 
  9. Chummin

    Since the old timers are showing up. Post up!!!

    Some EPO and Old Olds Hill. 
  10. Chummin

    Since the old timers are showing up. Post up!!!

    Found some older stuff. 😉 
  11. Chummin

    How does one upload photos on gd?

    Add files > photo library > select photos > add!  Wait for them to show uploaded.  iPhone 13 Pro
  12. Chummin


    All I’m sayin is things are different now. Right @ChEFF?!! 😂  to put the pic in reference,  was sent that pic with the saying, our doors are always open Chums. 
  13. Chummin

    Jeep pics

    Technically it’s a Jeep right?  picked up our first Jeep for Thanksgiving.  she’s definitely a mall crawler!! 😂 
  14. Chummin

    Speed UTV

    Had a great time. Still working out the bugs in mine. Soon. 
  15. Chummin

    It’s Christmas Day, what did you get?

    Picked up a new Jeep. Wasn’t looking for one but we fell into it. Road Trip time. 
  16. Chummin

    Its Saturday Nov 18th What is everyone up too this weekend?

    Exactly why I’m replacing all of them. 10 year warranty and the back says 2018. 🙄
  17. Chummin

    Glamis Trips 2023

    Those rental trailers really do come stocked up. 🍆 had a great time seeing lots of awesome people I haven’t seen in a long time. 
  18. Chummin

    Speed Cars

    Ran 10 PSI and had no issues. New paddles should be here this week. 
  19. Chummin

    Post up your Veterans week/weekend pics. 2023

    The most awkward photo from this weekend?  here is mine.  Not saying who so don’t ask. Just know it slaps his face everytime he came out of the back room. 😂 