Search results

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    5th Wheel vs Bumper Pull

    Fifth wheel no question! I upgraded to a Genesis Special edition with dual bedroom slides and I have 18” on each side of the bed so plenty of room.    Also we went with the Gen Y executive goose box so I only have to drop the ball in my bed and I’m ready to go. Pull the ball out and I have my...
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    Can Am X3 oil change

    I finally got around to changing the oil on the X3 this morning.  Overall it was not a big a pain in the arse as I was expecting.     I did order the fast labs funnel which kept the mess to a minimum. I also purchased a funnel with an extended tube that allowed me to fill the oil from the top...
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    Eff you Commiefornia

    I would be beyond pissed if I lived in the state.    short version, Ca releases names addresses and phone numbers of all conceal and carry permit holders.    I would be first in line for that lawsuit
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    Inverted 110 outlets

    So my coach has a 1500 watt go power pure sine inverter running off two 256ah SOK LiFePo batteries. My problem is only some of my outlets were inverted from the factory. I want to have all of my 110 inverted, easier for the wife and kids to use and less ware and tear on my generator from lots of...
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    Happy Father’s Day. What did you get?

    May have been my best brisket yet. Pulled pork is hard to screw up but these were pretty damn good also.   
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    Happy Father’s Day. What did you get?

    Wife let me go to town with the smoker for Father’s Day!
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    How are you adapting?

    Just curious if I am the only one who has already begun dramatically changing their behavior in response to inflation.    a couple examples, my wife and I would eat out 2-3 times a week during the initial stages of Covid but now we may eat out once a week if that. I mean come on 18.00 for a...
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    Need my RV gate modified

    Looking for a referral in the Chandler Az area. My RV gate needs some serious modifications and I wanted to see if anyone here had a good recommendation. 
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    32 or 33” SS 360 sand tires

    Looking at either the 32 or 33” SS360HP set up for my bone stock X3 Maxx. Wondering if there would be any issues going to the 33 with the stock clutching? I would like some extra ground clearance. 
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    At what gas price do we stop

    So on the way out last week I filled up for 4.50 a gallon on diesel, on the way back 4 days later the same station was 5.20 and I passed another that was at 5.50. This is Az prices, I don’t even want to guess what you poor effers in Cali are paying.    When do we waive the white flag and call...
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    It’s Saturday 3-5-22 what are you doing?

    After a two year break due to a baby I am finally back out at mother G!
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    What happens when you give an inch

    I find it interesting in our world today how easily some people give away their inch. Now that inch can be any number of things from freedoms, to access, to choice but in the end if you are willing give up your inch “they” are going to take a mile.   Now “they” have grown smarter over the...
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    Gen Y executive review

    @Bobalos here are the pics. I have the factory installed gooseneck prep or puck system. 
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    Gen Y executive review

    We picked up the new 5er with the executive hitch installed. Having never had a true fifth wheel hitch before this review is slightly skewed but take it for what it is.    I went with the B&W drop in ball, mostly due to the built in handle. I will say this set up is extremely well built...
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    Upside down pics

    I searched and I know it’s probably already been discussed but how do I fix my pictures so they don’t all post upside down
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    Our new home away from home

    After selling my 2005 K2 last year I got the itch for a new rig and my wife and I started looking. She hated the master bedroom where you could only walk around half the bed. We also really wanted the residential shower.  Took some faith in our salesman but he promised us we would love the...
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    Pismo Beach

    So we are planning on doing a trip with the new hauler the week of January 24th and was thinking of changing it up and going to Pismo. Have never been but the wife wants the beach and I want to take the can am.    any info on the beach and camping would be greatly appreciated. 
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    SS 360 HP tires

    Curious if anyone is running the SS 360 HP tires on their X3 or RZR’s. Looking to add a set of dedicated sand tires vs my knobbies I have run.    from what I have read the new HP does a great job as an all around sand tire. I don’t race and don’t really give a damn about the hole shot. Having...
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    For Christ’s Sake! Idiots with Trailers

    @Jaybird95 you win! That is the most regoddamndiculous thing I have seen. 
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    For Christ’s Sake! Idiots with Trailers

    I always tell people new to pulling larger trailers and haulers the same thing. Pulling them is easy…’s stopping them that’s hard.    with either tow rig you need to look at your cargo capacity as well as tow rating. While 5th wheels are more stable I don’t know if a 1500 is designed to...