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    Sucks to read about this stuff

    Rumor is they were buddies racing, one thought is was over and one didn’t. Buddy made a turn to head back to camp and the other car was in a wheelie and didn’t see. Tragic
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    Honda 400EX clutch issues

    Check the sprocket lock nut before you open her up trust me
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    Speed UTV

    If the supplier rumor is true then this will end very poorly very quickly. Once the floodgates open there is no closing them and honestly I don’t think there is enough money coming in to hold off the BK filing. Sweet Jesus please let canam or Polaris buy the rights and put a reliable power...
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    Speed UTV

    I really do hope that this car and company find success. I have thoroughly enjoyed the ride and hope all of the owners get to enjoy their car. I am still hoping someone with way too much money drops the new can am engine and transmission into one of these just for chits and giggles.
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    Honda 400EX clutch issues

    Btw let us know what you find
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    Honda 400EX clutch issues

    So I had this issue with my warrior, tore it apart and replaced the clutch only to find out the lock tab on my drive sprocket came loose and the sprocket nut came off allowing it to spin freely. Felt like an idiot but learned to start with the easy stuff first
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    Newbie question?

    It’s not about hours it’s about how it was maintained. Ask the owner about maintenance and what/how they did it. If they can walk you through oil/diff fluid changes with ease I would feel more comfortable. Then look over the frame at the stress points for any signs of cracks and you should be...
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    Who to buy Sand tire and wheel sets from - X3 MAX

    Went with the system 3 beadlocks and SS360’s front and rear, 32’s were 1800 delivered. Have run them for 2 seasons and love them.
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    Speed UTV

    Curious how the Mav R cats did?
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    Speed UTV

    Screw the LS, throw a subie in that with a 2d and rip the hell out of glamis.
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    Baja day 4 and recap

    Last pic was an oops.    also a how it started vs how it ended pic
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    Baja day 4 and recap

    We started day 4 waiting at horsepower ranch for a tow truck to come pick up a rzr that lost the transmission just as we entered Ensanada.  HP ranch is absolutely beautiful so I wasn’t going to complain. We finally hit the trail about 11 and made it out of town when another Rzr went into limp...
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    Baja Day 3

    Rzr primary grenaded aftermath 
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    Baja Day 3

    Day 3 started with us running the coast, this is absolutely amazing country and views that make everything you went through worth is.  we zig zag up the coast line and drop into an amazing bay for a quick stop. Rain has made the entry and exit sketchy as all hell but no risk no reward right. ...
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    Baja day 2

    We rolled out of San Felipe around 9.30 and were on our way to Mikes Sky ranch, this was some of the most beautiful country you could imagine. Technical goat trails, lots of cliffs and some great rock crawling.    we could tell they had been getting hammered with snow and rain and the wash...
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    Baja ride report day 1

    After seeing so several posts from guys who have done Baja trips my wife and I decided to jump in and get it off our bucket list.    a couple items to note, I am rocking a bone stock 2018 can am X3 Max turbo R. The only upgrades that have been made to the car are ZRP radius rods and pull plate...
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    Posting photos

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    Posting photos

    Any other iPhone users have issues loading photos? not sure when it happened but I get a black box now whenever I try to upload pictures. 
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    Baja trip, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose

    Well this goes in the loss category. 